CC meeting Jan. 11  
Present: K. de Jager, A. Sarty, R. Michaels, R. Ransome, E. Brash (by phone). 
Hall Status report - Kees gave a brief update on hall status, more 
complete report will be given at collaboration meeting. 
GeP completed, went well, electromagnetic calorimeter use successful. 
Configuration change made for Gao/Holt experiment. 
Only significant difficulty has been klystron lifetime at 5 pass 
and high current.  Frequent trips. 
Kees emphasize that the primary responsibility of the spokespersons to 
ensure the quality of the data.  Any difficulties or unusual behavior 
should be reported to the hall liaison, even they do not affect 
the running experiment.   
Adam Sarty suggested the hall liaison should attend the regular analysis 
meetings each experiment holds to help maintain continuity and an 
institutional memory of problems which may have seemed minor but could 
be symptoms of larger problems. 
Kees notes that some proposals have listed as author people who did 
explicitly request or give their permission to be an author (Kees himself, 
for example).  RDR will note again at the collaboration meeting  
that no one should explicitly be listed as an author without their permission. 
Kees proposed the following former graduate student members as full 
members: J. Gao, K. Wijessoriya, K. McCormick, R. Suleiman, A.Deur, 
B. Reitz.  The rest of the CC concurred with the recommendation. 
There as a discussion on how to handle graduate student memberships. 
The charter states that the membership should end when the student 
graduates.  Because many students continue to work in the hall  
soon after graduation, the CC agreed that they should remain as 
members for one year after graduation, and apply for full membership 
during that time if they continue to work in the hall. 
Experiments 00-107 (Gilman, Holt, Meziani), 00-114 (Armstrong, Michaels), 
 and 00-118 (Gomez, Petratos) have requested to be made collaboration 
experiments.  The CC approved all as collaboration expts. 
There was a discussion on the role of working groups.  RDR noted that 
the working groups have never really functioned as described in the 
charter, with 3 chairpersons and a regularly published membership list. 
Adam noted that more generally the working groups have served as 
a basis to build support and discuss experiments which were approved 
(e.g. the N-Delta expts) or on special topics (e.g. the kaon working 
group), but have rarely served as a forum to bring forth proposals. 
Kees did note that at least having a nominal group offered a good 
way to organize meetings on special topics. 
RDR agreed to bring this up at the business meeting to get the view 
of the collaboration. 
There was a brief discussion on collaboration membership and whether 
some minimum shift requirement or other significant participation 
requirement be imposed to continue as a member.  It was decided that 
there is no need for that at this time.  We will request on a yearly 
basis that those persons who no longer plan to participate in Hall A 
activities withdraw as members.