On December 11th and 12th a Hall A analysis workshop was held at Jefferson Lab. The analysis workshop went very well and the CC plans to schedule more workshops in the future. An on-line summary of the workshop can be found at: http://hallaweb.jlab.org/data_reduc/AnaWork2001/ On December 13th and 14th, a Hall A collaboration meeting was held. Twenty-two new members were inducted into the collaboration (11 full members and 11 student members). A full list of the Hall A collaboration members can be found at: http://hallaweb.jlab.org/general/CollabMembers.pdf Kees de Jager presented his semi-annual Hall status report. The next experiment in the Hall will be the Real Compton Scattering experiment followed by a DVCS test. Due to uncertainties in the delivering of the septum magnet, the rest of the schedule is still not firm; but the upcoming year might include the "super-Rosenbluth" experiment, finishing the E98-108 Kaon experiment, the 4He elastic scattering experiment, and a deuteron experiment. Once the septum is installed, the plan is to the run the hyper-nuclear spectroscopy experiment, low Q GDH, HAPPEX-II, and 4He-parity. All Hall A proposals for PAC21 were presented and discussed at the meeting. A copy of the proposals can be found at: http://hallaweb.jlab.org/collab/PAC21/ Also presented during the collaboration meeting were summaries of analysis that is in progress and of work being done on equipment for the Hall. A write-up on these items will be in the Hall A status report which will be available in the near future. New Full Members ---------------- Wendy Hinton ODU wendy@jlab.org Vladimir Nelyubin St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia x5123 nelyubin@jlab.org Dima Nikolenko Budker Inst., Russia nikolenk@jlab.org Blaine Norum Univ. of Virginia (434) 924 6789 ben@virginia.edu Kent Paschke Univ. of Mass. paschke@jlab.org Eli Piasetzky Tel Aviv, Isreal 972 3 6409428 eip@jlab.org Igor Rachek Budker Inst., Russia rachek@jlab.org Simon Sirca MIT 617 258 5438 sirca@jlab.org Kebin Wang Univ. of Virginia kw5p@virginia.edu Xiaofeng Zhu William and Mary xfzhu@jlab.org Piotr Zolnierczuk Univ. of Kentucky zolnie@jlab.org New Student Members ------------------- Mattias Andersson Lund mattias@jlab.org Alexandre Camsonne LPC, Clermont-Ferrand camsonne@jlab.org Leon Cole Hampton lcole@jlab.org David Hayes ODU dhayes@jlab.org Hassan Ibrahim ODU hibrahim@jlab.org Pierre Moussiegt ISN, Grenoble pierrem@jlab.org Issam Qattan Northwestern Univ. qattan@jlab.org Patricia Solvignon Temple solvigno@jlab.org Vincent Sulkosky William and Mary vasulk@jlab.org Antonin Vacheret Saclay vacheret@jlab.org Jindong Zhu MIT jindong@jlab.org