Hall A CC Meeting Notes November 18th, 2019 Present: A. Schmidt (chair) (AS); N. Liyanage (NL); K. Slifer (KS); R. Montgomery (RM) Overview: - Scheduling for upcoming Hall A Winter Colaboration Meeting (Jan 30/31 2020) was discussed. - On-going planning document in link sent to CC members by AS. - Input/suggestions from Thia (in absentia but provided by mail) discussed. - Outcome/status of all discussions summarised below. (1) Theory speaker: - Most pressing to fill. - Should be different field from Hall C's theorist. NL will collect ideas from colleagues (e.g. B. Wojtsekhowski/G. Cates/G. Miller) and likely seek form factor related theorist for relevance to SBS portion of meeting. It may be nice to have a speaker also project future EIC FF prospects (e.g. C. Weiss). Other suggestions include P. Tandy, C. Merzag, G. Miller. (2) Student lunch seminar: - Also pressing to fill. - NL will contact D. Di, who recently presented nice overview of physics requirements of SBS and their impact on the detectors. RM could act as back-up if needed. (3) Thursday morning session: - Speakers confirmed. (4) Thursday afternoon session: - Marathon and tritium experiment speakers mostly confirmed. - KS will check speaker for tritium elastic. - AS awaiting confirmation from E. Christy about GMp. - APEX responded not ready for experiment talk. - KS will seek speakers for PREX and CREX (suggested speakers discussed). - g2p talk added and confirmed. - Still to decide which other past experiment talks to include/reach out to. (5) Friday morning session (before coffee): - Speakers confirmed. (6) Friday morning session (after coffee, before lunch): - SBS dedicated session, all speakers to be confirmed. - Programme/speaker selection discussed in-depth: - 4 main experiments (GMn, GEn-RP, GEn phase II, GEd-V). - physics/introduction of future approved experiments (TDIS/SIDIS). - overview of BigBite (important for main SBS experiments and to introduce new project lead, M. Jones). - Suggested speakers in planning document. - All speakers need reached out to - assigned to AS, NL, RM (breakdown in planning document). (7) Friday afternoon (before coffee): - Future proposal on CT with SBS confirmed. - Remainder session for more technical talks, mostly relating to TDIS (since large physics program but also since streaming readout and GEMs related talks may be interesting to many collaboration members). - Two simulation talks (one on geant4 implementation; one on rate studies/digitisation); target; streaming readout; mTPC design; GEMs. - GEM talk should be wide in scope to represent GEM activities going on throughout the Hall. It should cover MPGD and Hall A experiments in general, including future experiments. The possibility to also include a dedicated session comprising shorter talks on various GEM activities was also discussed (e.e. cosmics, PREX) - NL will investigate/think about possibility. - RM will contact speaker for TDIS rates/digitisation. - NL will contact mTPC and GEM speakers. - NL and RM should coordinate contacting target and streaming readout speakers. (8) Friday afternoon (after coffee): - Future experiments and the EIC session. - Relevant spokesperson for MOLLER and SOLID talks was identified. - Need to assign CC member to reach out for SOLID. - KL will reach out for MOLLER and investigate EIC related talk. Summary: - CC members should monitor/edit shared planning document, where suggested speakers and which CC members should reach out are currently listed. - Currently assigned to NL: theory seminar; student seminar; SBS GEn phase II/polarised He-3 target; TDIS mTPC; GEM talk (and decision about inclusion of smaller GEM talks). - Currently assigned to KS: Tritium elastic; CREX; PREX, MOLLER, EIC. - Currently assigned to RM: GMn; GEn-RP; SIDIS; BB; TDIS digitisation. - Currently assigned to AS: GEp-V; TDIS physics. - Still to be allocated speakers and/or which CC members to reach out: more past experiments; SOLID. - Still to agree who should reach out to speakers of TDIS target and TDIS streaming readout (can decide offline). - Next CC meeting will be in a couple of weeks.