Was held at   Jefferson Lab   Dec 11-12, 2001.   Below are links to the talks and supplemental information.

This file:     hallaweb.jlab.org/data_reduc/AnaWork2001



Ed Brash,   Ole Hansen,   Doug Higinbotham,   Bob Michaels

Topic:   Spectrometers and Detectors

Scintillator Trigger Efficiency Sasha Kozlov
A1 and A2   PID Lingyan Zhu
Beam Position Measurements Bodo Reitz
Geometric Acceptance through R Function Marat Rvachev
HRS Optimization and Optics Calibration Nilanga Liyanage

Topic:   Computing

Scientific Computing Resources   (MS-Powerpoint) Ian Bird

Topic:   Focal Plane Polarimetry

FPP Asymmetries Rikki Roche
Spin Transport with COSY Lubomir Pentchev
FPP Maximum Likelihood Polarization Olivier Gayou

Topic:   ESPACE

Overview and New Developments Ole Hansen
VDC Tracking Paul Ulmer

Topic:   Simulations

MCEEP and acceptance Paul Ulmer
SIMC John Arrington

Topic:   ROOT/C++ Development

Overview and Tracking Algorithm Ole Hansen
RCS Analyzer Ting Chang
Online Applications Bob Michaels
Analyzer Tutorial Ole Hansen
RICH Detector Analysis Guido Urciuoli
Shower Algorithm Armen Ketikyan
MySQL Interface for Parity Riad Suleiman
Database for RCS and Hall A Eugene Chudakov

Topic:   Asymmetry Analysis

Physics Asymmetries in A1n/g2n Xiaochao Zheng
Helium-3 Target Polarization Kevin Kramer
GDH Analysis Seonho Choi
Parity Analysis and Systematics of Beam Richard Holmes

maintained by Robert Michaels