Version 2-2-4 Announcement

A new patch-level release 2.2.4 of ESPACE is available in the usual 
places -- tar file on www, sources and exec in the /work/halla/software.  
In addition to a few obvious bug fixes, the changes were:

 1. New FPP codes from U.Regina (Brash) picked up 9 AM, 31-March.

 2. BCM code from Roundtree; see /work/halla/com96/tree/charge/DESC

 3. New and quite changed vertex code beam_vertex.f from Gao.

 4. Improvements from Boeglin and Liyange, e.g. optimize_transport.f
Near future: Boeglin and Liyange are finalizing time of flight 
optimzation.  I will try to incorporate Templon's new stuff for f77
standardization, linux, & makefile after implications are understood.  
Perhaps something for leadglass from Mehrabyan.

A useful script to compare versions is ~rom/scripts/
An output showing explicitly the differences between 2-2-4 and 2-2-3
is in ~rom/halla/doc/comp_223_to_224.log

  - Bob Michaels

Last update 3 Apr 1997
R. Michaels,