! ! !* ********************************************************************** !* * !* detmap.config * !* * !************************************************************************ ! ! writtern by: Calvin R. Howell ! Duke University ! modified by: lots of people at CEBAF ! ! Date: August 3, 1994 ! ! PROGRAM TYPE: HAGDAS CONFIGURATION FILE ! USED or CALLED BY: load_detmap.f in the analyzer routine ! ROUTINES CALLED: none ! ! This configuration file is used by the event unpacker routine "evdecode.f" ! to associate the digitizer channels with the physical detectors for ! unpacking the raw data from the CODA bank structures into the raw data ! structures used by the detector routines. ! ! ! The format of the configuration file is described below. ! ! There are seven entries per line. There are three data types of entries: ! integer, range, and character string. There are two delimiters: the ! exclamation mark "!", the dash "-" and the colon ":". The exclamation mark is used to ! mark the begining of a comments. All characters on a line following an "!" ! are ignored. The "-", ":" or " " can be used to separate the low and high values in a ! range entry. The seven entry classes are: ! ! Entry Class Data Type Example ! 1. Detector Name character string vdc_u1e ! 2. Wire Number integer 1 ! 3. Readout Controller integer 2 ! 4. Crate Number integer 1 ! 5. Slot Number integer 4 ! 6. Channel Number range 0 - 95 ! 7. Digitizer Model # character string 1881 ! ! In the example above, wires 1 - 96 of the VDC_U1e detector are assigned to channels 0 - 95 ! of the LeCroy 1877 TDC located in slot 4 of crate 1 in read-out controller number 2. ! ! There is a one-to-one correspondance between the allowed detector names and the data structures ! in "decode.inc" and the "evdecode.f" routine. To change the list of allowed detector names ! given below, both the "decode.inc" and "evdecode.f" routines must be modified. The allowed ! detector names are: ! ! Detector Name Description ! vdc_u1e VDC first U plane in electron arm ! vdc_v1e VDC first V plane in electron arm ! vdc_u2e VDC second U plane in electron arm ! vdc_v2e VDC second V plane in electron arm ! s1tdc_e, s1adc_e first scintillator plane on electron arm (TDC AND ADC) ! arotdc_e, aroadc_e Aerogel Cerenkov detector on electron arm (TDC and ADC) ! gastdc_e, gasadc_e Gas Cerenko detector on elect. arm(TDC and ADC) ! s2tdc_e, s2adc_e second scintillator plane on electron arm ! shower1 pre-shower counter ! shower2 back shower counter ! ! vdc_u1h VDC first U plane in hadron arm ! vdc_v1h VDC first V plane in hadron arm ! vdc_u2h VDC second U plane in hadron arm ! vdc_v2h VDC second V plane in hadron arm ! s1tdc_h, s1adc_h first scintillator plane on hadron arm ! arotdc_h, aroadc_h Aerogel Cerenkov detector on hadron arm ! gastdc_h, gasadc_h Gas Cerenko detector on hadron arm ! s2tdc_h, s2adc_h second scintillator plane on hadron arm ! fpp_u1 FPP U plane #1 ! fpp_u2 FPP U plane #2 ! fpp_u3 FPP U plane #3 ! fpp_u4 FPP U plane #4 ! fpp_u5 FPP U plane #5 ! fpp_u6 FPP U plane #6 ! fpp_u7 FPP U plane #7 ! fpp_u8 FPP U plane #8 ! fpp_u9 FPP U plane #9 ! fpp_u10 FPP U plane #10 ! fpp_u11 FPP U plane #11 ! fpp_v1 FPP V plane #1 ! fpp_v2 FPP V plane #2 ! fpp_v3 FPP V plane #3 ! fpp_v4 FPP V plane #4 ! fpp_v5 FPP V plane #5 ! fpp_v6 FPP V plane #6 ! fpp_v7 FPP V plane #7 ! fpp_v8 FPP V plane #8 ! fpp_v9 FPP V plane #9 ! fpp_v10 FPP V plane #10 ! fpp_v11 FPP V plane #11 ! fpp_x1 FPP X plane #1 ! fpp_x2 FPP X plane #2 ! s3tdc_h, s3adc_h third scintillator plane on hadron arm ! triggr_e signals from trigger circuit in electron arm ! triggr_h signals from trigger circuit in hadron arm ! spare_i spare detector plane i, where 0 < i < NUM_SPARES+1 ! NUM_SPARES is defined in 'decode.inc' ! scaler scaler signals ! !*** NOTE: THE DECODER PROGRAM IS CASE SENSITIVE!! ! USE ONLY LOWER CASE FOR DETECTOR NAMES ! ! ! DETECTOR WIRE ROC CRATE SLOT CHANNEL ! NAME NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER RANGE MODEL ! ! ! Scintillators ! Bob M. updated July 12, 96 ! Maja S. updated s1/s2-right adc on August 9, 1996 s1tdc_e 1 1 1 20 32-37 1875 s2tdc_e 1 1 1 20 38-43 1875 s1tdc_e 7 1 1 20 16-21 1875 s2tdc_e 7 1 1 20 22-27 1875 s1adc_e 1 1 1 25 48-53 1881 s2adc_e 1 1 1 25 54-59 1881 s1adc_e 7 1 1 25 0 -5 1881 s2adc_e 7 1 1 25 6 -11 1881 ! ! Gas cerenkov adc added August 2 96 Nilanga L. gasadc_e 1 1 1 25 32-43 1881 ! Gas Cerenkov tdc added August 22 96, Maja S. gastdc_e 1 1 1 20 48 - 57 1875 ! Bob M. Feb,96 pulser test, cable 4 ! s1tdc_e 1 1 1 20 48-59 1875 ! s2tdc_e 1 1 1 20 60-63 1875 ! ! ! VDCs, updated July 12, 96 ! vdc_u1e 1 1 1 4 0 - 95 1877 vdc_u1e 97 1 1 5 0 - 95 1877 vdc_u1e 193 1 1 6 0 - 95 1877 vdc_u1e 289 1 1 7 0 - 79 1877 vdc_v1e 1 1 1 8 0 - 95 1877 vdc_v1e 97 1 1 9 0 - 95 1877 vdc_v1e 193 1 1 10 0 - 95 1877 vdc_v1e 289 1 1 11 0 - 79 1877 ! vdc_u2e 1 1 1 12 0 - 95 1877 vdc_u2e 97 1 1 13 0 - 95 1877 vdc_u2e 193 1 1 14 0 - 95 1877 vdc_u2e 289 1 1 15 0 - 79 1877 vdc_v2e 1 1 1 16 0 - 95 1877 vdc_v2e 97 1 1 17 0 - 95 1877 vdc_v2e 193 1 1 18 0 - 95 1877 vdc_v2e 289 1 1 19 0 - 79 1877 ! ! shower1 is the preshower detector ! shower1 1 1 1 22 0 - 47 1881 ! preshower tdc added August 22, 1996, Maja S. shower1 49 1 1 21 0 - 11 1875 ! ! shower2 is the total shower detector ! shower2 1 1 1 23 0 - 47 1881 shower2 49 1 1 24 0 - 47 1881