Linux Version for ESPACE

Here is some information straight from Jeff Templon
about the Linux Version for ESPACE.

From:	IN%""  "Jeffrey Templon" 22-MAY-1997 10:35:36.59


The first version of Linux ESPACE 2.3.0 will be available sometime
today for anonymous ftp on my machine.  See the ESPACE/CERNLIB web
page for details on how to pick it up:

There is one bug I know about (which affects ESPACE in general, not
just on Linux) -- it appears very infrequently and a workaround (but
not a fix) has been implemented in this release.  Bob M is working on
tracking the problem down.

Below I include the release notes for this version.  The binary
distribution should equip you with everything you need, if you follow
the installation instructions on Bob M's ESPACE page.  Please contact
me if you have problems.


Notes for ESPACE 2.3, Linux version   Thu May 22 09:59:55 EDT 1997  JAT

1. Optimization is turned off.  There is a floating point bug which
   manifests itself in ytg_error.f when optimization is turned on.
   I don't think the bug is local to this routine since it does not
   go away when I turn off optimization for this routine only.
   This problem will be investigated in more detail once the code
   stabilizes somewhat.

2. There is a bug in correct_cointime.f, where for some reason an array
   index is infrequently set to zero by some other routine.  ROM,
   Nilanga know about it.  I hacked it so that if the index was
   out of range, it used the max value -- the array index has to do
   with scint paddle number, so this is a reasonable temporary

3. Performance is miserable.  34 events per second!  But performance
   more than doubles if array-bounds checking is turned off
   (83 events per second.)  Further improvements to come this summer.
   I've done some profiling, and I know where to start.

4. Since the code has not yet stabilized, array-bounds checking is
   turned on in the binary release.


Last update 22 May 1997
R. Michaels,