This page is presently maintained by Bob Michaels For now it remains in nearly identical form to what Eddy Offermann wrote with only small modifications by me.


1) First decide whether you want to install and compile your own version of the analysis software (follow steps 2 through 6; give in step 2 the directory where you want to install it as 'your_directory') or whether you want to run the preinstalled version on the adaq account (skip step 3; give in step 2 the directory '/work/halla/software' as 'your_directory')

2) Add the following lines to your login file (.login for the csh):

Additions to .login file

setenv HALLA_DIR 'your_directory'



(Bob) Sometimes better than above: set path = ($LOC_HALLA_BIN $path)

Additions to .login file if not CUE

setup cernlib

setup imake

setenv OSNAME `uname`

Additions to .login file on SunOs

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/dt/lib

Notice that the table above shows additional lines in case you did not switch to the C(ommon) U(nix) E(nvironment) (your home directory is still /usr/user.. instead of /home/...) or if you log into a machine which has not been added yet to the CUE platform (machine name does not start with jlab).

Execute the login file by giving the command 'source .login' or logging out and in again. Now the necessary logicals have been defined.

----- 3) ftp the distribution file for the Sept 21, 1997 version 2.4.0 of ESPACE, which is distribution-2.4.0-src.tar, to your machine and type 'cd $HALLA_DIR'. For description of changes in this version, as well as earlier versions, see the version history.

If you want the linux version see

4) type 'tar xvf ~/distribution-2.4.0-src.tar'. We assumed here that you ftp'd the distribution-2.4.0-src.tar file to your home directory. Of course if you did not, you must correctly specify the directory in the above command (~/ is Unix for "home directory".)

5) you should now be able to type 'ls src/r2-3' and see lots of files there. You probably remembered this time to only type the stuff between the quotes. Goto the directory 'src/r2-3' by typing 'cd src/r2-3'.

6) type 'make depend install-all'. On most systems, this will take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes and print lots of information on your screen. If it worked, the last output from this command should look like

mkdir -p /home/templon/halla/espace/bin/Linux
mkdir -p /home/templon/halla/espace/db

cp espace_halla/espace /home/templon/halla/espace/bin/Linux
cp db/masses_Linux.dat /home/templon/halla/espace/db

where of course /home/templon/espace ... will be replaced by your own personal ESPACE directory name, and 'Linux' will be replaced by whatever operating system you happen to use. If you see something different, ESPACE is probably not installed. Depending on your level of expertise, you can try to correct the problem, or contact an expert. Before contacting an expert, go back through steps 1 thru 6 and make sure you followed the directions EXACTLY!

Also, the 'make' system requires GNU make ( it is possible on ancient systems that this is not installed and leads to failure of the installation.) In versions of Makefiles and sfmakedepend prior to May 18, 1997 you had to type ''make depend' to take care of dependencies. After May 18, it is automatic, see the new version of the perl script sfmakedepend. If you have downloaded this script, make sure you change the variable SF_DIR in the file Makefile in src/r2-3.

System-dependent Notes:

Linux: you will need to have the Absoft Fortran compiler, the Absoft CERNLIB package (available at CERN), and the CERN/96a distribution for Linux from CERN.

Last updated 1-July-97
R. Michaels,