1. To start the scanning session with ESPACE type "espace". The prompt espace> has appeared and the commands can now be typed in: espace> exec ana_1416.kumac ( to start analysis) . . . . espace> 'number of' histograms saved to disk ( message you get at the end) espace> quit (to exit ESPACE) The more detailed story: ------------------------ When starting the macro ana_1416.kumac, the user can specify several parameters (default value indicated with *): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- parameter value comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------- scint on ,off* If 'on' S1, S2 histograms are saved gas on, off* If 'on' Gas Cherenkov histograms are saved shower on, off* If 'on' shower and preshower histograms are saved vdc on ,off* If 'on' VDC histograms are saved vertex on*,off If 'on' parameters of the vertex in the detector hut and target are saved loop on*,off If 'on' ESPACE will analyze 1000 events and write the histograms to disk. A prompt will appear asking how may more should be analyzed and added to the histogram. optimize on , off* If 'on' data is being accumulated to be used later in an optimization procudure. opt_var variable to be optimized adc* scintillator S1, S2 pedestals beta scintillator time offsets, time walk, c tzero VDC time offsets drift VDC electron drift velocity tdc_diff VDC t-x lookup table dp_kin momentum aberrations angle reconstructed target angles If one wants to have something else than the default values, changes can be made as follows: espace> exec ana_1416.kumac optimize=on opt_var=beta loop=off scint=on 2. To view and/or print the histograms you need to run paw++. 3. In paw++: - go to the window "main browser" and click on "hbook" - double click on "ana_1416.hbook" file - click on "macro" - double click on "ana_1416.hbook" file (ana_1416.hbook.kumac) - double click on "macro" directory * If you want printouts go now to the "executive window" and in the "input pad" type : fortran/file 66 ana_1416.ps (return) graphics/metafile 66 -111 (return) * - double click on "????.plot.kumac" files one by one to plot the histograms. Remember that only histograms of those detectors exist that were specified 'on' in the ana_1416.kumac parameters. * if you chose the printout option close now the ps file by typing in the "input pad": fortran/close 66 (return) *