NOTE: Much of the information below is outdated and will be replaced shortly. Please bear with us.

12 June 1998: ESPACE Version 2.6.1 is available. Many bugs have been fixed, especially in the optimization routines. Linux support now includes RedHat 4.2 and 5.0. You can download the source distribution here. Please read the installation instructions. Linux users, please see the special Linux installation notes.

This version is now the default version in /work/halla/software and in the 'adaq' account. For a list of changes, please look at the version history or the "ChangeLog" file that comes with the distribution.

The analysis package, as distributed above, is running on HP-UX, SunOS, OSF1 (DEC-Alpha), and Linux platforms.

Details for the Linux implementation can be found on Jeff Templon's Linux page.

The commissioning team is proud to announce the first documentation of the analysis package ESPACE, espace, or download the postscript file from Feb 28, 1997 (the latest version from E.A. Offerman), Instructions for installing the package are found here and test-drive info is found here.

Future releases of the program are going to managed with the GNU package cvs: Concurrent Versions System. One gets a fairly good idea what it is all about from cvs_tutorial. and the on-line_manual.

A lot more calibration/analysis software is coming your way but your commissioning team is still busy documenting them. Expect software for

- Leadglass package (Oct 1997)
- (e,e'x) kinematics,
- (e,e'x) phase space
- (e,e'x) radiative corrections
- (e,e'x) line shape fitting

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Last updated 14 Dec 98
Ole Hansen,