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1d var_1d xmin xmax _'137 _'137

Define a window on a variable. This definition results in a logical which is TRUE if the variable value is inside the window and FALSE otherwise. The variable can be a scalar or an array. If it is an array the logical is TRUE if the contents of the whole array fulfill the condition.


     scalar cut:  /Define/cut/1d spec_e.ph_tg -0.03 0.03
     array  cut:  /Define/cut/1d spec_e.u1.tdc  2000 2500
                  /Define/cut/1d spec_e.u1.tdc[100;200] 2000 2500
     The last cut is performed on the TDC values of wires 100 upto 200.

Eddy Offerman
Fri Mar 29 10:56:36 EST 1996