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save spec [ condition ] _'137 _'137

Define a histogram of a particular variable. In this command several histograms can be defined by giving a list of variables separated by commas. After the the variable list a logical expression can be given which has to be fulfilled for incrementing the histograms.


    1-dim histogram: /Spectra/save spec_e.p_kin  spec_e.ph_tg&&spec_e.th_tg
    2-dim histogram: /Spectra/save spec_e.th_fp/spec_e.p_kin                   
    a '/Set/ntuple on ' before the last save statement would result in a
    ntuple instead of a histogram.
    1-dim histogram of an array variable:
                     /Spectra/save spec_e.u1.tdc[100;200]
    This results in 1-dim histogram containing the TDC values of wires 100-200.
    DO I = 1,368
       ISTA = [I]
       ISTO = [I]
       spectra/save spec_e.u1.tdc[[ISTA];[ISTO]]
    This will give you a TDC histogram of each wire in the U1 VDC plane of the
    electron spectrometer. Notice that the KUIP macro language has been used.

Eddy Offerman
Fri Mar 29 10:56:36 EST 1996