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scan file [ first max chopt rvf ] _'137 _'137


' ' &

o &

fit : Start fitting after scanning file

r &

review : review file

w &

write review : write review report after this file

f &

filter : filter data input

l &

loop : Do not open the file again but continue scan

Scan a file. Start a scanning session in which the previously defined histograms and logicals are updated event-by-event with the specified file. In the scan command parameters like the first interrupt, # of interrupts and several options can be specified.

Among the options are f.i. the possibility to incorporate the data from this file in an optimization (specified before through a /calibrate/fit statement) or to filter data from this file (specified through a /file/filter statement).


    /File/scan file.dat 1 1000 -f

In this example the first 1000 interrupts of the file 'file.dat' are analyzed and used in te filter process.

Eddy Offerman
Fri Mar 29 10:56:36 EST 1996