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optimize spec [ condition ] _'137 _'137

Start an optimization. Possible variables that can be optimized:

    spec_e.dp_kin             | Relative momentum after correction for
                              | aberations and kinematic broadening.
    spec_e.th_tg/spec_e.ph_tg | Reconstructed theta and phi target coordinate
                              | of the electron spectrometer.
    spec_h.th_tg/spec_h.ph_tg | Reconstructed theta and phi target coordinate
                              | of the hadron spectrometer.
    spec_e.y_tg               | Reconstructed y target coordinate of the
                              | the electron spectrometer.
    spec_h.y_tg               | Reconstructed y target coordinate of the
                              | the hadron spectrometer.
    tc_cor                    | Coincidence time between e and h spectrometer
                              | after correction for time-of-flight and paddle
                              ! offsets.
    e_miss                    | Missing energy.
    e_miss/p_miss             | Missing energy and momentum for H(e,e'p).

A LOGICAL condition can be specified for selection of the data to be used in the optimization.

Eddy Offerman
Fri Mar 29 10:56:36 EST 1996