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The PMTs are under high voltage and care is required when handling any components of the counter. As stated earlier on in this report, the insulating material between the -metal shield and the aluminum exoskeleton far exceeds the operating voltage. In addition, the 11 resistor between the -metal shield and the HV source, restricts the current flow below the critical 1 mA level. The combination of Tedlar film, plexiglas composites, and injection moulded bases, are all safe to handle but care should be exercised when handling the aluminum parts of the counter or touching the metal back plate of the base. It is strongly recommended to ground the aluminum exoskeleton of the counter, at several spots, to a common ground with the HV and signal cable ground. This will further enhance safety and eliminate potential ground loops in the unlikely event of a slow, and otherwise difficult to diagnose, dielectric breakdown from the -metal shield to the aluminum structure or the aluminized mylar in the interior.
