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Safety Assessment

The following potential hazards have been clearly identified.
The High Voltage System The Bertan 377N HV low current power supply provides a nominal -4.00 kV. Red HV RG-59/U cable good to 5 kV with standard SHV connectors is used to connect the power supply to a Hammond splitter box, and then to connect the splitter box to each of the three high voltage planes in a given VDC. A given chamber draws a current from 50-100 nA.
The Low Voltage System Kepco LV power supplies are used for the the LeCroy 2735DC pre-amp/discriminator cards. Each card (23 per chamber) requires +5.0 V (92 cards draw 22 A), -5.2 V (92 cards draw 58 A) and +3.0 V (92 cards draw $\leq$ 2 A).
Explosive Gas The Ar C$_2$H$_6$ chamber gas is explosive and must be handled accordingly. Further, gas flow should be maintained for at least 24 hours prior to the enabling of HV.
High Pressure Gas Bottles The gas used in the chambers is supplied in high pressure ($\ge$ 2000 psi) gas bottles. This confined high pressure gas represents a tremendous (potentially lethal) amount of stored energy.

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Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29