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Signal Handling, Summing, Amplification and the Multiplexer

The upstairs electronics racks hold two NIM bins containing the summing modules of the multiplexer. The output of these is sent to the ADCs. Both the individual channels and the sum of every six channels is sent into an ADC where it can later be analyzed by the software. The operations manual for the multiplexer was written by H. Breuer (UMd) and is available from him upon request.

The detector signals are physically plugged into the ADC channels and connected to the signal wires labelled as shown in the diagrams below, for both the preshower counter and the total absorber counter.

Figure 5.15: Map of the Pre-shower counter detectors.
\includegraphics[width=15cm,clip]{/data8/user/new_safety/detectors/figs/PreSh_det_map.eps} 1.

Figure 5.16: Map of the shower counter detectors.
\includegraphics[width=15cm,clip]{/data8/user/new_safety/detectors/figs/Shwr_det_map.eps} 1.

Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29