Next: Authorized Personnel
Up: Lead Glass Shower Counters
Previous: Handling Considerations
The following potential hazards have been clearly identified.
- The High Voltage System The LeCroy 1443 HV crate equipped
with LeCroy 1461N negative high voltage cards supplies provides
up to 3.3 kV of low current power. Red HV RG-59/U cable good to 5 kV with
standard SHV connectors is used to connect the power supply to the
photomultiplier tube voltage divider bases. A given base on the TA
draws typically 500-600 of current with the high voltage
on at between 1400 and 1500 V. The PS bases typically draw 900
with the high voltage on at between 1100 and 1200 V.
- The Lead Glass Support Structure
The lead glass shower counters are mounted on top of the space
frame for the detectors. Access for servicing the shower counters
requires climbing on top of the support frame. Only the responsible
personnel identified below should attempt to service the shower counter;
such work requires proper safety precautions and prior training/experience.
- The Lead Glass blocks
The lead glass shower blocks and tubes weigh approximately 70 - 80 pounds
apiece. Lifting, replacing, or moving such blocks should
be done properly to avoid muscle problems and damage to the blocks.
Next: Authorized Personnel
Up: Lead Glass Shower Counters
Previous: Handling Considerations
Joe Mitchell