The power supplies and readout electronics associated with the FPP are a mixture of commercially purchased equipment and equipment designed and/or assembled with the Rutgers University Department of Physics & Astronomy Electronics Shop. The reader is directed towards the manuals made available by the manufacturer for the detailed information not provided here for the commercial equipment. For the Rutgers constructed equipment, further documentation is available though the Rutgers web pages:
and through FPP notebooks (try for example contacting R. Gilman for notebooks maintained by Rutgers, CEBAF Center, phone 757.269.7011).
The LeCroy 1458 HV control crate houses the Lecroy 1469P modules
which control the HV for the FPP chambers. The 1469P has 3 master HV
channels and each master HV channel controls eight slave channels.
In slot 7 of the 1458 is the 1469P module
which controls chamber 1 and chamber 2.
In slot 8 of the 1458 is the 1469P module
which controls chamber 3 and chamber 4.
The individual slave channels can trip from high current faults
or other trip faults, but all eight slave channels must be raised and lowered
together by setting the master high voltage.
The HV provides +1.8 - 1.9 kV nominal to
each of the 5100 wires in the four FPP straw chambers.
The power supply is located in the detector stack at the top of
crate 6 in the upper electronics level.
This unit is controlled through HAC13.
Connections from the power supply to the chambers are made using
standard SHV connectors mounted on red RG-59/U HV cable good to 5 kV.
The high-current low-voltage supply boxes were assembled by Rutgers University. They are designed to provide a maximum current of about 1.6 / 0.6 A at -5 / +5 V to each of the 318 readout cards on the four chambers. There are 63 / 63 / 90 / 102 cards on chambers 1 / 2 / 3 / 4. Typical operating currents are about two-thirds of this nominal maximum value. The +/-5 V power lines are independently fused to each card. Each of the eight supply boxes contains two or three power supplies, each rated for either 35 or 50 A. There are two power boxes for each chamber. Six boxes are located at the lower rear end of the detector stack. The second boxes for chambers 3 and 4 are located at the top of the detector stack, on an aluminum plate just off the upper electronics level. These power boxes are monitored through EPICS, but turned on/off though front panel switches.
Hewlett-Packard 6111A power supplies are used to provide typically
2 - 3 mA current per readout card.
Each of the front and rear chambers have their own power supply.
The front chambers thresholds are fused,
to limit current drawn in case of a short on the board.
The rear chamber cards use a 1.5 k resistor external to the board
to limit current drawn, in case of a short on the board.
Board threshold circuitry also has a 1.5 k
to ground which
with the external 1.5 k
makes a voltage divider. Therefore,
the rear threshold supplies are typically set to a voltage which is
a factor of two larger than the front threshold supplies to give the
same threshold voltage at the readout board.
Initial tests indicate that at least a 1.5 V threshold must be applied to the
cards to prevent oscillations - this level will stop oscillations that arise
when the voltage applied is reduced to about 1.0 V.
In practice it has been found that the front chambers should be operated
at 4 V and the rear at 7 V. Efficiency studies show that the chamber
threshold could be raised by 50% with minor loss in efficiency.
The HP supplies are also mounted in the hadron arm detector stack, on an
aluminum panel located beneath the two upper high current supplies.
Each straw wire contains a 25m
, Au-plated
tungsten-rhenium wire.
The number of wires per plane varies from 176 to 272.
Wires are multiplexed 8 wires into one electronics channel,
leading to a required 636 TDC channels.
In practice a few extra channels are used, so that each 34 wire
(16 differential signal channels plus one ground pair)
twisted pair cable contains only signals from one of the four chambers.
LeCroy 1877 multihit FASTBUS TDCs are used to measure the leading edge time
and width of the pulses, to demultiplex the wire hit.
Within each group of eight wires, the widths are set to about
25, 45, 35, 55, 90, 65, 105, and 75 ns.
The TDCs are located in the upper FASTBUS crate located on the lower
electronics level of the spectrometer space frame in the detector hut.
The FPP rack, containing level shifter cards, is located opposite the
FASTBUS crates on the lower electronics level.
It shifts signals sizes from the reduced
50 mV readout card output levels
to ECL standard levels, for input to the TDCs.
The connections between the readout cards and the level shifter cards,
as well as between the level shifter cards and the TDCs,
are made with 16-conductor twisted-pair cables.
A wiremap, detailing the cabling, is posted on the side of the FPP rack.
If at all possible, the HV and LV power supplies should be left on continuously if and only if gas is available to the chamber. This avoids time loss to reconditioning and maintains the desirable steady-state operating condition.