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Safety Assessment

The following potential hazards have been clearly identified.

The High Voltage System The LeCroy 1458 HV low current power supply provides a nominal +1.80 kV. Red HV RG-59/U cable good to 5 kV with standard SHV connectors is used to connect the power supply to the chambers. Each HV channel, of the 6 per chamber, typically will draw a few hundred nA.

The Low Voltage System LV power supplies are used for the pre-amp/discriminator/multiplexer cards. Each card requires up to 1.6 A at -5 V and 0.6 A at +5 V, plus a few mA threshold at 4 - 8 V.

High Pressure Gas Bottles The gas used in the chambers is supplied in high pressure ($\ge$ 2000 psi) gas bottles. This confined high pressure gas represents a tremendous (potentially lethal) amount of stored energy.

Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29