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General Computer Information

In the counting room we have various computers for DAQ, analysis, and controls. The controls subnet (which includes the ``hac'' computer among others) is the responsibility of J. Gomez and is documented in Chapter 6. The DAQ computer's names are denoted by adaqXN, where X=s is SunOS, X=h is HP-UX, and X=l is for Linux PC. adaqs1 is the Compton DAQ computer and is normally reserved by the Compton group. adaqs2 and s3 are for running the spectrometer DAQ or doing online analysis. adaqh2, h3, and h4 are for running the older version 1.4 of CODA still used by some setups. adaql1 and l2 are relatively fast Linux PCs available for analysis and are administered by Ole Hansen.

To reboot the Suns, login as ``adaq'' and type ``reboot''. On HP's adaqh2-4 you cannot reboot, but must ``shutdown''. For both HPs and Suns here is how to shutdown: Login as ``adaq'' and type ``shutdown'', wait several minutes until the screen indicates it's safe (on Suns it goes black and on HPs it will say it's safe), then turn off power. To reboot the Linux machines, first hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 to switch to a text console, then hit Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot. If power fails for a prolonged time, you must shutdown before the UPS fails.

For all computer problems you may call Robert Michaels (x7410) unless you happen to know another expert who can solve your problem. If Michaels is not available, call Ole Hansen (x7627) or Javier Gomez (x7498).

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Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29