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Running CODA

This section describes how to run CODA for the spectrometer DAQ. There are two modes: 1) The most common is the ``1-Trigger-Supervisor (1-TS)'' mode which uses one trigger supervisor and is used for coincidence experiments; and 2) The ``2-Trigger-Supervisor (2-TS)'' mode which is used for running the two spectrometers independently.

The 1-TS mode can also handle single-arm triggers but is about 1/2 the aggregate speed of the 2-TS mode. When running the 2-TS mode, one uses the adev account on adaqs2 for the H-spectrometer and the atrig account on adaqs3 for the E-spectrometer. The 1-TS mode normally uses the adev account on adaqs2 only. The information that follows refers to the adev account, but the atrig account is quite similar. For example, for a file like /home/adev/prescale/prescale.dat there is a corresponding file at /home/atrig/prescale/prescale.dat.

Here is how to start and stop a run. Normally, when you come on shift, runcontrol will be running. If not, see the section on ``Cold Start'' below. To start and stop runs, push the buttons ``Start Run'' and ``End Run'' in the runcontrol GUI. To change configurations use the ``Run Type'' button. If you have been running you will first have to push the ``Abort'' button before you can change the run type. Normally the configurations you want are the following.

TWOSPECT - For running the two spectrometers in 1-TS mode.
PEDRUN - To do a pedestal run in 1-TS mode
ELECTRON - For E-arm in 2-TS mode
HADRON - For H-arm in 2-TS mode
PEDRUNE - To do a pulser run for E-arm in 1-TS mode
PEDRUNH - To do a pulser run for H-arm in 1-TS mode

A note about pedestal runs. They have the exclusive purpose of obtaining pedestals used for pedestal suppression. For details about what is done and hints for getting pedestals for ESPACE (which does not want the PEDRUN result), see /home/adev/ ped/README.)

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Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29