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Scaler Display and Scaler Events

Scaler rates and values are displayed using a MOTIF based display called ``xscaler'' written by C. Howell of Duke University. Normally this is already running on adaqs2 or s3. It also runs on HP-UX but the SunOS version is preferred. If it is not running, login as adaq and go to the appropriate directory, which is /home/adaq/$EXPERIMENT/electron/scaler and /home/adaq/$EXPERIMENT/hadron/scaler for the E-arm and H-arm respectively where $EXPERIMENT is an environment variable like e95001. Then type ``xscaler'' there. Remember to push the button ``Start''. The first several pages are the scaler rates and the next half of the pages are the absolute scaler counts. The scalers are cleared at the beginning of each CODA run. Scalers are read out at approximately 0.5 Hz and injected into the CODA data-stream as event type 140. A file ``scaler_history.dat'' is maintained which is a complete history of scaler readings at the end of each run that ended normally. For 1-TS mode, this file is in /home/adev/scaler.

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Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29