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Authorized Personnel

All Hall A members are authorized to take BCM calibration data using the Standard Non-Invasive Hall A BCM Calibration Procedure. The extended calibration procedures involving the Faraday Cup 2 and the OLO2 monitor at the Injector are presently performed by A. Saha.

The Accelerator AES group performs the maintenance of the BCM monitors. These include:

1. The Unser calibration. Every 3 months
2. Resonant Cavities Tuning. Every Downtime
3. Multi-meters Autocalibration. Every Downtime
4. Connectors Cleaning. Every year
5. Unser Keithley Current Source. Calibration Yearly
6. Digital Multi-meters HP3458A and HP 34401A. Calibration Yearly

System Contacts:

Arun Saha -x 7605

Jean-Claude Denard -x 7555

Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29