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Details on profile plot

To plot the profile: use your favorite curve plotter (hvplot, xmgr...) The scan file is a plain ASCII file with a line per acquisition (trigger) and two float per line: position in encoder unit (4096.0 per 2.500 mm or turn) and voltage after gain in V. First the forward profile with increasing "x", then the backward one, with decreasing "x" (x=coordinate transverse to the beam and horizontal. Towards beam right for scanners #1 to #4, towards beam left for #5 and #6). Some lines are header lines. In this case the 1st character is a "!" seen as a comment line by hvplot (needs to be changed for other plotters). The rightmost peak (high x values) was produced by the vertical wire (it is a pure horizontal profile), the 2 other peaks by the +45deg. and -45deg. wires.

Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29