The path of the "expert task" MEDM file is given in the first subsection. Use this task to set the encoder in any position between the limit switches, to dismount the wire cartridge, to set the encoder,...
-Call this task in MEDM.
-You get a small window with a blue button.
-Left click on it: it gives you a choice between the 4 ARC scanners.
-Select the scanner you are interested in, then release the left mouse button.
-An "Expert-task" bigger window appears.
-In this new window, left click on the blue button "click to initialize...".
-Then the designated scanner name is displayed on the top of the window.
-Edit the motion you want in the "First goal" input field. This is an ABSOLUTE position (i.e. not an increment), from an origin which can be arbitrary, in unit of motor micro-step. +2000 microstep= +1 turn= +4096 encoder units, so one has 2.048 encoder units per microstep.
-push on "Pos0" to set to zero the "Motor current
position" register. The current scanner position becomes the new origin
of the motor positions. -once the motor position is entered, push on "1
WAY" to execute the motion
-If you want to move the scanner fron its current position by 10mm towards the beam, and if the current position is 100000, then enter 100000.+(10./2.500)x2000.=108000., and push on "1 WAY".
-If you want to go to the LLS position, enter a large negative value like -1000000, and push on "1WAY" Note: Limit switches will not stop the motor at a very reproducible position.