First - from any workstation or X-terminal connected by telnet to pascal1 workstation, run MEDM with arc_master.adl data file (see Arun for the password of gougnaud on pascal1 and the first subsection for the path of arc_master.adl). If pascal1 is not responding, go in the shed and check UPS (see "Details on AC power (integral)" below). If the UPS is not beeping, check the room temperature. If the temperature is above 35C, the thermal protection of the workstation is probably activated, see "detail on temperatures" below. If the temperature is below 35C, ask the computer center to restart pascal1.
Second - check if the 4 temperatures and the 3 currents are stable, in agreement between them and if the beam energy computed from the current is realistic compared to what you know from MCC. In not, call Arun. If the IOC is dead (all displays on "arc-master.adl" are blank), reboot the ioc (see "integral ioc reboot" below) Note: the current/field ratio is about 1000A/1.98T and the energy/field ratio is 12.03 GeV/T. The current used by MCC for the accelerator tuning is the set current. The readback can be different from the set by 0.1A. The local current can be different from the set by 5A. For the temperatures see "detail on temperatures" below.
Third - check if the NMR is locked. If not see "details on NMR lock" below,
Forth - check if the NMR reading is stable within 10-5 relative (P.S. stability). If not, inquire about a recent or running setting change by the MCC. If necessary call Arun Saha.