To run the integral measurement sequence, call the "arc_integral.adl" medm screen on pascal1 (see "Details on integral system check" above), then:
-push "start" to start the full sequence
-look at the results displayed:
-after the "before" NMR measurement: the "before" data set
-after the "forward" integral pass: the forward velocity profile and the forward voltage-after-gain profile
-after the "backward" integral pass: the backward velocity profile and the backward voltage-after-gain profile
-after the "after" NMR measurement: the "after" data set
-if "BAD NMR" or "PDI saturation" flags are set, or if something is obviously wrong in the data or plots, fix the problem (see "Details on integral error" below) and start a new integral run.
-data are ready to be saved (see "Details on integral data save" below)