The procedure to save the datafile from "arc-integral.adl"
is the sane as for the scanners (see "Details on file save (scanners)"
above), with an independent integral run number. The file name will be of the
type "", stored on pascal1 in gougnaud/EPICS/integral/.
As pascal1 disk is not mounted on the CUE, use ftp or rcp to move the file to
the CUE.
The size of a file is 207Ko.
The data file is made of:
-a header containing basically the "before" and "after" data
-the forward integral data
-the backward integral data.
Forward end backward integral data are made of 3200 lines of 3 data each:
-a line per trigger, i.e. per mm of probe motion over the 3.2m of the total motion. The first trigger line is missing.
-the first data of the line is the probe position in mm, which should be a round value from 1.000mm to 3199.000mm at forward pass and from 3199.000mm to 1.000mm at backward pass,
-the 2nd data are the flux increment measured during the current step (i.e. between the previous trigger and the current one) in unit of 10-8Vs, corrected from the gain.
-the 3rd data are the time of the trigger since the start, in microsecond units.
These field increments,like the scan profiles, can be plotted by standard plotters,
see "Details on profile plot" above. The curve plotted online
in "arc-integral.adl" is the time derivative of the above
flux data, multiplied by the gain to get the input VFC voltage after gain.
Example of an integral file:
!ARC magnetic measurement integral data file
!date: THU MAY 27 15:28:09 1999 THU MAY 27 15:29:21 1999
!local current (A) 142.25 142.25
!remote current set (A) 140.11 140.11
!remote current readout (A) 140.15 140.14
!NMR field (T) 0.2752619 0.2752621 !NMR locked? T T
!NMR stable? T T
!NMR in position? T T
!Zd plate position (mm) 1604.003 1604.003
!temperature x+,z+(deg.C) 33.2 33.1
!temperature x+,z-(deg.C) 32.8 32.7
!temperature x-,z+(deg.C) 31.1 31.1
!temperature x-,z-(deg.C) 31.1 31.1
!PDI gain: 10
!NMR probe: 3
!forward data:
1.000 -100 5138
2.000 200 9695
3.000 -100 13830
4.000 150 17611
5.000 0 21096
6.000 200 24340
3198.000 -100 7051626
3199.000 150 7058284
!end forward, start backward
3199.000 -50 5160
3198.000 -50 9730
2.000 -100 7052428
1.000 -50 7059066
!end backward