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Safety with Regards to the Spectrometer

The principle concern with the spectrometers is that they are large, and have associated vacuum, hydraulic, cryogenic and magnet systems all of which can be potentially dangerous.

The bogies which move the massive 1200 ton spectrometers must be carefully operated. Inspection of the wheels to ensure there is no debris which the wheels could ride over is mandatory. Similarly personnel need to be aware that the spectrometers are moving so that no one inadvertently gets trapped.

The vacuum systems associated with the spectrometers are essentially pressure vessels. Care should be exercised so as not to puncture the windows.

The magnets themselves are installed inside cryostats. These vessels are exposed to high pressures and are therefore equipped with safety relief valves and burst discs.

The hydraulic system that operates the vertical positioning system VPS and the horizontal positioning system HPS operates at high pressure, 3000 - 5000 psi. Therefore one should be careful when operating those systems.

The cryogenic system operates at elevated pressure at 4K. One must guard against cold burns and take the normal precautions with pressure vessels when operating this system. Only WBS7 are permitted to install and take out U tubes.

The magnets have a great deal of stored energy as they are large inductors. Always make sure people are clear of them and that the dump resistor is attached to the magnet.

There are several major safety concerns with regards to the detectors, namely 1) flammable gas located in the VDC and FPP, 2) ODH hazard due to CO$_2$ in the Cerenkov counter, 3) high voltage due to the photo multipliers on the various detectors and 4) a thin vacuum window separating the detector array from the vacuum system in the spectrometers. The clean agent fire suppression system, while installed to suppress fires, can also be a safety hazard. It is possible for an individual to drop down alongside the box beam to the gantry roof inside the shield house. This area, although technically not a confined space, could conceivably become one in the event that the clean agent system was attached. Personnel should have a 5 minute air pack with them in the event they must enter the area alongside the box beam to the gantry roof inside the shield house.

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Joe Mitchell 2000-02-29