Robert Michaels,, Jefferson Lab Hall A, updated June 2004
This file: Warning: This is NOT for HAPPEX DAQ, which is a seperate DAQ.
This assumes that runcontrol is running. If not, see Cold Start in section III.
Rarely, the workstations don't function properly and the simplest way out is to reboot. To reboot adaqs2,s3 (SunOS): Login as "adaq" and type "reboot". In a few minutes the workstation comes back alive. For Linux, Ole usually keeps some instructions posted near the PC terminal. One may hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 to go to console mode, then Ctrl-Alt-Del.
Problems with CODA 2.5 can usually be solved with a simple reset or with a Cold Start. If not call Bob Michaels or Bodo Reitz. Do NOT waste an hour stuck on resets.
If a ROC seems to be hung up, you can reboot it by going to the workspace "Components" and typing "reboot" at the vxWorks prompt (-> reboot). Wait 2 minutes and telnet back in to verify its alive. The name of the ROC computer is normally written in the name of the xterm (hallasfi1, hallasfi2, etc). You need to know what subset of these computers are used for your configuration. For example, for HAPPEX we use hallasfi1 (R-arm fastbus ROC1), hallasfi2 (R-arm fastbus ROC2), hallasfi3 (L-arm fastbus ROC3), hallasfi4 (L-arm fastbus ROC4), hallavme2 (R-arm Scaler Crate TS0), hallavme4 (L-arm Scaler Crate TS1). The RICH crates are ROC12 and ROC16. If the ROC seems really frozen, use the "Crate Resets" button in the magnet EPICS screen on hac. Some labelling in this GUI: roc14=bpm/raster, roc1=R-arm fastbus1 (this also boots roc2), roc3=L-arm fastbus1, roc4=L-arm fastbus2, TS0=R-arm Trig Super, TS1=L-arm Trig Super. Note, both fastbbus crates in on an arm are reset with one button. To reset from the GUI, toggle the state of the button. Note, ROC12 and ROC16 cannot be reset via the GUI, they can only be reset by typing "reboot" at the vxWorks prompt.
If you reboot the ROC, or if something on the workstation is hung up, try pushing the "Reset" button in runcontrol. Then Configure, Download, and StartRun as usual.
If a ``quick'' reset doesn't work, try a Cold Start (see below).
First kill all CODA process on the workstation where CODA is running by typing "kcoda" from the relevant account and computer (this should be a-onl account on adaql2 during HAPPEX experiment). "kcoda" stops runcontrol, the event builder, event recorder, the runcontrol server, and cleans up the ET system. Now you can start everything again -- look at the printout from "kcoda" script which tells you what else to do, which typically involves starting "rcServer" and "coda_er" by hand, plus resetting runcontrol after connect and before download. This is probably a matter of arrowing up in the window where the command was last run (the window may have a name like "rcServer", etc). Note: rcServer, coda_er, coda_eb must be left in the foreground of a window.
Before downloading, it is first a good idea to make sure the fastbus and VME crates (i.e. the ROCs) are running. One finds that when resetting, one can frequently avoid rebooting the frontend crates, and just restart runcontrol, but if you must: Press the reset buttons for the relevant subset of crates as explained in the Reset section above. A convenient way to reset (reboot) the ROCs is to go to the Components workspace and enter "reboot" at the vxWorks prompt -> of each ROC. But one can also use the EPICS GUI as explained above. After a few minutes, telnet back in and verify they are up. Some of the crates take longer than others to reboot. Be patient. To start everything on the workstation, do what was printed out by "kcoda". As it explains, start "rcServer" first. Then start "coda_er" and "coda_eb" interactively with the arguments as "kcoda" explained. Finally, type "runcontrol". In runcontrol press the Connect button. After "connect", wait 10 seconds, then press "Run Type"; a dialog box pops up and you must choose the configuration you want, which is normally the first choice. Then press download and wait about 30 seconds. If download hangs up, press "Cancel", "Reset", and "Download" in runcontrol. After a successful download, you can "Start Run" to start a run.
After bringing up runcontrol from a crash its a good idea to "Reset" after configuring the "Run Type".
If you ever logout of the DAQ computer adaql2 or have rebooted it, here is how to restart the preferred setup. Login as "a-onl". Emacs the prescale file in the background: "emacs ~a-onl/prescale/prescale.dat &" Also start datamon by typing "datamon". Next, in the "components" workspace, login to all the frontend computers by typing "telnet hallasfi1" where the name of the computer like hallasfi1 is in the name of the xterm window. Also in the name of these xterms is the portserver port where you can connect via RS232 (portserver instructions are at So, an example name may be an xterm with title "ROC2--hallasfi2--hatsv3-port-8" meaning ROC2 is IP address hallasfi2 and on portserver hatsv3 at port 8. Note: If these xterm windows for components are not there, type "setupxterms" to bring them up.
The Event Recorder (ER) or Event Builder (EB) may complain something like "ER1 not responding" on the Linux version of CODA, and you get no events. This may be because you forgot: Before running "runcontrol" one must run "rcServer" interactively from the login shell of the relevant account on the relevant computer ("a-onl" on "adaql2").
VI. More info
More info: and
This page maintained by Robert Michaels