Hall A Portservers

Updated: Sept 2009.    (some info is a out-of-date, I'll admit)

Here I describe how to use the portservers to connect
to VME boards and HV crates in Hall A.

This file is also in adaql1:~adaq/doc/portserver.doc
but the copy here on the web contains no passwords.  Ask
the Run Coordinator if you need a password.

R. Michaels

Map of Channels

  Server: hatsv3 (Right-HRS)

  Port        Device

   1          vt100 terminaL
   2          ROC1  (lower fastbus crate)
   3          HRS TS0
   4          HRSE HV (upper of 2 crates) 
   5          HRSE HV (lower of 2 crates)
   8          ROC2  (upper fastbus crate)
  Server: hatsv10 (2nd PS on Right-HRS)

   4          happex7  (HAPPEX crate)

  Server: hatsv4 (Left-HRS)

  Port        Device

   1          vt100 terminal  
   2          ROC3   (lower fastbus crate)
   3          ROC4   (upper fastbus crate)
   4          not used
   5          pvdis2  (PVDIS crate)
   7          HRS TS11 

  Server: hatsv40 (2nd PS on Left-HRS)

   5          hallavme14  (HAPPEX crate)

  Server: hatsv5 (beamline)

  Port        Device

   1          vt100 terminal on beamline 
   2          e-P 1
   3          Moller 1  (formerly hac41)
   4          Moller 2  (VME 2306 DAQ)
   5          not used, appears broken
   6          not used, appears broken
   7          not used, appears broken
   8          Compton roc3
   9          Compton roc4
  10          Compton roc5 
  11          Beamline HV 
  12          e-P 2
  13          ARC energy  
  14          HRS roc14
  15          HRS roc15
  16          not used

 Server: hatsv12  -- 2nd beamline portserver

   5          Compton roc1
   6          Compton roc2
 Server: hatsv15  -- 2nd floor counting room
                     (caged Hall A area)

 Server: hatsv9  (Counting room)

  3           HAPPEX Trigger Supervisor
  4           HAPPEX DAQ crate

 Server: hatsv17  (DVCS DAQ crates)

 2        ROC18 == hallavme8  (DVCS)
 3        ROC17 == hallavme9  (DVCS)

 Server: hatsv18  (Injector Service Bldg)

  4           Parity DAQ crate
  5           G0/Qweak crate

II. Portserver Instructions

The portservers are devices on the network that allow
access to RS232 ports. 

   telnet hatsv5 2011     

   (hit RETURN a few times after entering password)

Hint: Best to use Linux for HV, the keymap is
F1 = PF1, and F2 for PF2.

The above telnet connects to port 11 on hatsv5 (see map 
of channels above).  Via telnet you always need an offset
of 2000 to add to port number.  You should be user "adaq" 
with the usual password. (The Run Coord. knows password.)

If another person is connected to that port, you cannot
connect.  To bump off another user, login as root and
clear that port as follows

   telnet hatsv5
   user: root
   passwd: Ask the Run Coordinator if you don't know.
   (hit RETURN a few times after entering password)
Now at the #> prompt, type "kill tty=4" to clear port 4
Then "exit".

Its not recommended, but you can use the dumb terminals:
   login: adaq  (or as root)
From the login prompt, type 'telnet hatsv5 2011' to
connect to port 11 on hatsv5.  Better details about dumb
terminals are at ~adaq/doc/dumbterm.doc.

To release a terminal that is being used, press "Ctrl-]"
(first the Ctrl key then the close-square-brackets and
hold them together).  This gives you the telnet> prompt.
From telnet> you type "q" (without quotes) to quit.

If someone has telneted into the board's network interface
you cannot connect via RS232.  This was also true for hac.
Log out, or reboot.

One can reset the entire portserver remotely.  This is 
nearly equivalent to a power off/on.  Login as root and
execute the following command, then wait 2 minutes.

boot action=reset

III. Elementary Lessons -- HV Crates

This section concerns interaction with LeCroy 1450 HV crates.
Although it has nothing to do with portservers per se, it is
useful to get some lessons so you don't confuse where your 
problems are.

After you manage to log into the portserver port with HV
(see section above), you will see the HV's VT100 screen in
generally one of 3 states.  1) It may be blinking some numbers.
Here it usually helps to enter 'w' once, wait, then again.
Each 'w' makes the interface change between 'wide' screen and
not-wide.  The not-wide screen has a handy Key Map to remind
you how to navigate the interface.  2) If someone has quit
the interface, you may see a prompt like this:
At this prompt you type "vt100" (without the quotes) to start
the interface.  3) If someone has really quit, or rebooted
the HV crate, you may see a prompt
0\Enter "1450" to begin>
Ok, do what it says, type "1450" (without the quotes) and then
"vt100" (without the quotes).

Now if you want to know the HV mapping and what is a correct
HV value, you'll need to ask someone else.  

Remember, if you try to telnet to HV and see an error:
adaqs3> telnet hatsv3 2005
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

It most likely means someone else is telnet'd into the 
port.  Reset the port (see instructions in section II).

To quit the interface, type "q" (no quotes).  Then ctrl-]
will give you the telnet prompt, where you can "q".