Example of Using Scaler Classes to Read VME Crate (Online)

Robert Michaels, rom@jlab.org, Jefferson Lab Hall A, May 2001

This file:     hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/daq/tscalonl_main.html

The following example shows how to use the hana_scaler package to read data directly from the VME crate online in real time.
//  tscalonl_main.C
//  Example to use the online scaler code that reads 
//  data from VME.
//  R. Michaels, May 2001

#include < iostream >
#include < string >
#include "THaScaler.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

  //   cout << "Enter bank 'Right' or 'Left' (spectrometer) ->" << endl;
   string bank = "Left";  
   // cin >> bank;

   THaScaler scaler;
   if (scaler.Init(bank) == -1) {  
      cout << "Error initializing scalers" << endl;  return 1;

   int event = 0;
   string detector[] = {"s1", "s2", "gasC"};

   while ( scaler.LoadDataOnline() != SCAL_ERROR ) {  // each call gets 1 event

//   scaler.Print();

     int i,chan, nchan;
     cout << "\nPMT Counts --------" << endl;
     for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
       cout << "Detector " << detector[i] << endl;
       nchan = 6;
       if (i == 3) nchan = 10;
       for (chan = 0; chan < nchan; chan++) {
         if (i < 2) {
           cout << "Left PMT  " << chan << " = "
		<< scaler.GetScaler(detector[i],"left",chan) << endl;
           cout << "Right PMT " << chan << " = "
		<< scaler.GetScaler(detector[i],"right",chan) << endl;
         cout << "PMT " << chan << " = "
	   << scaler.GetScaler(detector[i],chan) << endl; // L+R for scint
       }                                    // or just a PMT for gasC
     cout << "\nPMT Rates --------" << endl;
     for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
       cout << "Detector " << detector[i] << endl;
       for (chan = 0; chan < nchan; chan++) {  // C indices start at 0
         if (i < 2) {
           cout << "Left PMT[" << chan << "] = "
	        << scaler.GetScalerRate(detector[i],"left",chan) << endl;
           cout << "Right PMT[" << chan << "] = "
	        << scaler.GetScalerRate(detector[i],"right",chan) << endl;
         cout << "PMT[" << chan << "] = "
	  << scaler.GetScalerRate(detector[i],chan) << endl; // L+R for scint
       }                                      // or just a PMT for gasC
     cout << "/nTriggers ---------" << endl;
     for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
       cout << "Trigger " << i << 
 	   "    Counts = " << scaler.GetTrig(i) << 
           "    Rate = " << scaler.GetTrigRate(i) << " Hz" << endl;

     system("sleep 2");
     if (event++ > 4) break;

   return 0;