Robert Michaels,, Jefferson
Lab Hall A, Aug 2001
//-------------------------------------------------------- // tscalhist_main.C // // Test of scaler class, for reading scaler history (end-of-run) // files and obtaining data. // Hint: if you have two scaler history files (for L and R arm), // try to concatenate them 'cat file1 file2 > file3' and analyze // the resulting concatenated file3. // // R. Michaels, August 2001 //-------------------------------------------------------- #include < iostream > #include < string > #include "THaScaler.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const Double_t calib_u3 = 4114; // calibrations (an example) const Double_t calib_d10 = 12728; const Double_t off_u3 = 167.1; const Double_t off_d10 = 199.5; cout << "Enter bank 'Right' or 'Left' (spectrometer) ->" << endl; string bank; cin >> bank; cout << "enter [runlo, runhi] = interval of runs to summarize ->" << endl; int runlo; cout << "runlo: " << endl; cin >> runlo; int runhi; cout << "runhi: " << endl; cin >> runhi; THaScaler scaler; if (scaler.Init(bank.c_str()) == -1) { // Init for default time ("now"). cout << "Error initializing scaler " << endl; return 1; } int status; for (int run = runlo; run < runhi; run++) { status = scaler.LoadDataHistoryFile(run); // load data from default history file if ( status != 0 ) continue; cout << "\nScalers for run = " << run << endl << flush; cout << "Time --- Beam Current (uA) ---- | --- Triggers --- " << endl; cout << "(min) u3 d10"; cout << " T1(Right) T3(Left) Tot accepted" << endl; double time_sec = scaler.GetPulser("clock")/1024; double chg_u3 = (scaler.GetBcm("bcm_u3")/time_sec - off_u3)/calib_u3; double chg_d10 = (scaler.GetBcm("bcm_d10")/time_sec - off_d10)/calib_d10; printf("%7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %d %d %d\n", time_sec/60, chg_u3, chg_d10, scaler.GetTrig(1), scaler.GetTrig(3), scaler.GetNormData(0,12)); } return 0; }