Example of Using Scaler Classes to Fill Ntuple of Rates

Robert Michaels, rom@jlab.org, Jefferson Lab Hall A, Aug 2001

This file:     hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/daq/tscalntup_main.html

The following example shows how to use the hana_scaler package to analyze a CODA file and fill an ntuple. One can then use a macro like the one in ./macro/ntup.macro to display some variables like "u1", "t3", etc using commands like ntup->Draw("u1")
//  tscalntup_main.C
//  Read a CODA file and fill an ntuple with scaler data.
//  R. Michaels, Aug 2001 

#define BCM_CUT1  3000   // cut on BCM (x1 gain) to require beam on.
#define BCM_CUT3  10000  // cut on BCM (x3 gain) to require beam on.
#define BCM_CUT10 30000  // cut on BCM (x10 gain) to require beam on.
#define NBCM 6         // number of BCM signals 
#define PRINTSUM 1
#define OUTFILENAME "asytst.dat"

#include < iostream >
#include < string >
#include "THaScaler.h"
#include "THaCodaFile.h"

#ifndef __CINT__
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TNtuple.h"
#include "TRandom.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

int printout = 0;   // To printout lots of stuff (1) or not (0)
int trig;
Float_t sum,asy;
THaScaler *scaler;
scaler = new THaScaler;

if (argc < 3) {
cout << "Usage:  " << argv[0] << " file  bank" << endl;
cout << "where file = CODA file to analyze " << endl;
cout << "and bank = 'Right', 'Left'  (spectrometer)" << endl;
return 1;
TString filename = argv[1];
string bank = argv[2];   
if (bank != "Left" && bank != "Right") {
cout << "2nd argument should be Left or Right but was " << argv[2] << endl;
cout << "I will assume Left" << endl;
bank = "Left";
cout << "Bank = " << bank << endl;
// Init must be done once.  If you leave out the date, it assumes "now".
if (scaler->Init("24-5-2001",bank.c_str()) == -1) {  
cout << "Error initializing scaler " << endl;
return 1;

// Initialize root and output
TROOT scalana("scalroot","Hall A scaler analysis");
TFile hfile("scaler.root","RECREATE","Scaler data in Hall A");

// Define the ntuple here
//                   0   1  2  3   4   5  6  7   8  9 10 11 12  13   14   15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25 
char rawrates[]="time:u1:u3:u10:d1:d3:d10:t1:t2:t3:t4:t5:clk:tacc:s11:s12:s13:s14:s15:s16:s21:s22:s23:s24:s25:s26:";
//                      26  27  28  29  30  31   32  33  34  35  36  37 
char asymmetries[]="au1:au3:au10:ad1:ad3:ad10:at1:at2:at3:at4:at5:aclk";
int nlen = strlen(rawrates) + strlen(asymmetries);
char *string_ntup = new char[nlen+1];
TNtuple *ntup = new TNtuple("ascal","Scaler Rates",string_ntup);

Float_t farray_ntup[39];       // Note, dimension is same as size of string_ntup (i.e. nlen+1)

// Statistics kept on x1,3,10 upstream and downstream BCMs
Double_t bcmsum[NBCM],bcmsq[NBCM],xcnt[NBCM];
for (int ibcm = 0; ibcm < NBCM; ibcm++) {
bcmsum[ibcm] = 0;
bcmsq[ibcm] = 0;
xcnt[ibcm] = 0;

// Pedestals.  Left, Right Arms.  u1,u3,u10,d1,d3,d10
Float_t bcmpedL[NBCM] = { 52.5, 44.1, 110.7, 0., 94.2, 227. };
Float_t bcmpedR[NBCM] = { 53.0, 41.8, 104.1, 0., 101.6, 254.6 };
Float_t bcmped[NBCM];

int i;
if (bank == "Left") {
cout << "Using Left Arm BCM pedestals" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < NBCM; i++) {
bcmped[i] = bcmpedL[i];
} else {
cout << "Using Right Arm BCM pedestals" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < NBCM; i++) {
bcmped[i] = bcmpedR[i];

int status = 1;
int iev = 0;

while (status) {
status = scaler->LoadDataCodaFile(filename);   // load data for 'filename'
if (!status) goto quit;
Double_t time = scaler->GetPulser("clock")/1024;
if ( iev > 0 && (iev < 10 || ((iev % 10) == 0)) ) cout << "iev = " << iev << endl;

// Optional printout
if (printout == 1) {
cout << "\n\n--------------  SCALER EVENT DATA -----------------------\n"  << endl;
scaler->Print();     // raw diagnostic printout
cout << "Time    " << time << "\n Counts :   " << endl;
cout << "Bcm u1   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcm(1,"bcm_u1") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm("bcm_u1") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm(-1,"bcm_u1") << endl;
cout << "Bcm u3   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcm(1,"bcm_u3") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm("bcm_u3") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm(-1,"bcm_u3") << endl;
cout << "Bcm u10   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcm(1,"bcm_u10") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm("bcm_u10") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm(-1,"bcm_u10") << endl;
cout << "Bcm d1   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcm(1,"bcm_d1") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm("bcm_d1") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm(-1,"bcm_d1") << endl;
cout << "Bcm d3   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcm(1,"bcm_d3") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm("bcm_d3") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm(-1,"bcm_d3") << endl;
cout << "Bcm d10   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcm(1,"bcm_d10") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm("bcm_d10") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm(-1,"bcm_d10") << endl;
cout << "Clock   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcm(1,"clock") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm("clock") << "   " << scaler->GetBcm(-1,"clock") << endl;
for (trig = 1; trig < 6; trig++ ) {
  cout << "Trigger " << trig << "   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetTrig(1,trig) << "   " << scaler->GetTrig(trig) << "   " << scaler->GetTrig(-1,trig) << endl;
cout << "Rates (Hz) = " << endl;
cout << "Bcm u1   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u1") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate("bcm_u1") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u1") << endl;
cout << "Bcm u3   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate("bcm_u3") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3") << endl;
cout << "Bcm u10   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u10") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate("bcm_u10") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u10") << endl;
cout << "Bcm d1   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_d1") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate("bcm_d1") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_d1") << endl;
cout << "Bcm d3   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_d3") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate("bcm_d3") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_d3") << endl;
cout << "Bcm d10   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_d10") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate("bcm_d10") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_d10") << endl;
cout << "Clock   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"clock") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate("clock") << "   " << scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"clock") << endl;
for (trig = 1; trig < 6; trig++ ) {
  cout << "Trigger " << trig << "   hel+  0  hel- " << scaler->GetTrigRate(1,trig) << "   " << scaler->GetTrigRate(trig) << "   " << scaler->GetTrigRate(-1,trig) << endl;
}  // <--  if(printout)

// Fill the ntuple here

farray_ntup[0] = time;
farray_ntup[1] = scaler->GetBcmRate("bcm_u1");
farray_ntup[2] = scaler->GetBcmRate("bcm_u3");
farray_ntup[3] = scaler->GetBcmRate("bcm_u10");
farray_ntup[4] = scaler->GetBcmRate("bcm_d1");
farray_ntup[5] = scaler->GetBcmRate("bcm_d3");
farray_ntup[6] = scaler->GetBcmRate("bcm_d10");
for (trig = 1; trig < 6; trig++) farray_ntup[6+trig] = scaler->GetTrigRate(trig);
for (int pad = 0; pad < 6; pad++) {
 farray_ntup[14+pad] = scaler->GetScalerRate("s1",pad);
for (int pad = 0; pad < 6; pad++) {
 farray_ntup[20+pad] = scaler->GetScalerRate("s2",pad);
string bcms[] = {"bcm_u1", "bcm_u3", "bcm_u10", "bcm_d1", "bcm_d3", "bcm_d10"};
for (int ibcm = 0; ibcm < 6; ibcm++ ) {
 sum = scaler->GetBcmRate(1,bcms[ibcm].c_str()) - bcmped[ibcm]
	 + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,bcms[ibcm].c_str()) - bcmped[ibcm];
 asy = -999;
 if (sum != 0) {
   asy = (scaler->GetBcmRate(1,bcms[ibcm].c_str()) - scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,bcms[ibcm].c_str())) / sum;
 farray_ntup[26+ibcm] = asy;
 Float_t bcm_cut = 0;
 if (ibcm == 0 || ibcm == 3) bcm_cut = BCM_CUT1;
 if (ibcm == 1 || ibcm == 4) bcm_cut = BCM_CUT3;
 if (ibcm == 2 || ibcm == 5) bcm_cut = BCM_CUT10;
 if (scaler->GetBcmRate(bcms[ibcm].c_str()) > bcm_cut && 
     asy > -0.9 && asy < 0.9) {
	 bcmsum[ibcm] = bcmsum[ibcm] + asy;
	 bcmsq[ibcm] = bcmsq[ibcm] + asy*asy;
	 xcnt[ibcm] = xcnt[ibcm] + 1.;
for (trig = 1; trig < 6; trig++) {
 asy = -999;
 if (scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3") > BCM_CUT3 && scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3") > BCM_CUT3) {    
   sum = scaler->GetTrigRate(1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3") 
      +  scaler->GetTrigRate(-1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3");
   if (sum != 0) {
     asy = (scaler->GetTrigRate(1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3")
	 -  scaler->GetTrigRate(-1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3")) / sum;
 farray_ntup[31+trig] = asy;
sum = scaler->GetPulser(1,"clock") + scaler->GetPulser(-1,"clock");
asy = -999;
if (sum != 0) {
 asy = (scaler->GetPulser(1,"clock") - scaler->GetPulser(-1,"clock")) / sum;
farray_ntup[37] = asy;


}  // <--- loop over scaler events in CODA file


// Use all the BCM numbers to average.  They are not independent.
// Take error from bcm_u3.
Double_t asyavg,asyerr,avg,diff,xsum,xtot;
asyavg = 0;  xsum = 0; xtot = 0;   
for (int ibcm = 0; ibcm < NBCM; ibcm++) {
if (xcnt[ibcm] > 0 && ibcm != 0 && ibcm != 3) {  // only x3 and x10
asyavg = asyavg + bcmsum[ibcm]/xcnt[ibcm];
xsum = xsum + xcnt[ibcm];
xtot = xtot + 1;
if (printout == 2) cout << "bcm " << ibcm << "  cnt = " 
  << xcnt[ibcm] << "  " << xsum << "   A = "
  << 1000000*bcmsum[ibcm]/xcnt[ibcm] << endl; 
if (xtot > 0) asyavg = asyavg / xtot;
asyerr = 1000000;
if (xcnt[1] > 0) {  // index 1 --> bcm_u3
avg = bcmsum[1]/xcnt[1];
diff = bcmsq[1]/xcnt[1] - avg*avg;
if (diff < 0) diff = -1*diff;
asyerr = sqrt(diff)/sqrt(xcnt[1]);
if (xtot > 0 && asyerr < 1000 && xsum > 200) {
ofstream outfile(OUTFILENAME);
int asyi = (int) (1000000*asyavg);  
int erri = (int) (1000000*asyerr); 
if (printout == 2) cout << "(exclu x1)  Asy " << asyi << " +/- " 
  << erri << "  N bcms " << xtot << endl;
outfile << asyi << "   " << erri << endl;  

return 0;