Example 1 of Using Scaler Classes to Analyze ROC10/11

Robert Michaels, rom@jlab.org, Jefferson Lab Hall A, May 2003

This file:     hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/daq/tscalevt_main.html

The following example shows how to use the hana_scaler package to analyze a CODA file and analyze the scaler data that comes with ROC10 and ROC11. These data are not any better or worse than the event type 140 scalers, except for two issues: 1) The ROC10/11 data may come more frequently, and 2) The ROC10/11 data are well synchronized to the event stream. In contrast, the event type 140 scalers are inserted by the ET system and are synchronized to approx. only 1 second. If synchronizing is an issue, one would need to use clocks in the events and in the scalers. However, for ROC10/11 one is guaranteed that the physics trigger before/after really came before/after.
//  tscalevt_main.C
//  Test of the ROC10/11 scalers which are read in the datastream
//  every synch event (typ. every 100 events).  
//  R. Michaels, Jan 2002


#include "THaScaler.h"
#include "THaCodaFile.h"
#include "THaEvData.h"

#ifndef __CINT__
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TNtuple.h"
#include "TRandom.h"

#define DEBUG 0

#define SKIPEVENT 0     // How many scaler events to skip
                         // (This reduces effect of clock granularity)
#define MYROC     11     // Needed for the SKIPEVENT trick
#define BCM_CUT1  3000   // cut on BCM (x1 gain) to require beam on.
#define BCM_CUT3  10000  // cut on BCM (x3 gain) to require beam on.
#define BCM_CUT10 30000  // cut on BCM (x10 gain) to require beam on.
#define NBCM 6           // number of BCM signals 

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

   int i,iev,evnum,trig,iskip,status;
   Int_t clkp, clkm, lastclkp, lastclkm;
   Float_t sum,asy;
   TString filename = "run.dat";
   char bank[100] = "EvLeft";  // Event stream, Left HRS
   cout << "Analyzing CODA file  " << filename << endl;   
   cout << "Bank = " << bank << endl << flush;

   evnum = 10000000;
   if (argc > 1) evnum = atoi(argv[1]);

   THaScaler *scaler = new THaScaler(bank);

   if (scaler->Init("1-9-2002") == -1) {  
      cout << "Error initializing scaler " << endl;
      return 1;

   THaCodaFile *coda = new THaCodaFile(filename);
   THaEvData evdata;

// Pedestals.  Left, Right Arms.  u1,u3,u10,d1,d3,d10
   Float_t bcmpedL[NBCM] = { 188.2, 146.2, 271.6, 37.8, 94.2, 260.2 };
   Float_t bcmpedR[NBCM] = { 53.0, 41.8, 104.1, 0., 101.6, 254.6 };
   Float_t bcmped[NBCM];

   if (strcmp(bank,"EvLeft") == 0) {
     cout << "Using Left Arm BCM pedestals" << endl;
     for (i = 0; i < NBCM; i++) {
       bcmped[i] = bcmpedL[i];
   } else {
     cout << "Using Right Arm BCM pedestals" << endl;
     for (i = 0; i < NBCM; i++) {
       bcmped[i] = bcmpedR[i];

// Initialize root and output
   TROOT scalana("scalroot","Hall A scaler analysis");
   TFile hfile("scaler.root","RECREATE","Scaler data in Hall A");

// Define the ntuple here
//                   0   1  2   3  4   5  6  7   8  9 10 11  12   13   14
   char rawrates[]="time:u1:u3:u10:d1:d3:d10:t1:t2:t3:t4:t5:clkp:clkm:tacc:";
//                      15 16   17  18  19   20  21   22  23  24  25  26
   char asymmetries[]="au1:au3:au10:ad1:ad3:ad10:at1:at2:at3:at4:at5:aclk";
   int nlen = strlen(rawrates) + strlen(asymmetries);
   char *string_ntup = new char[nlen+1];
   TNtuple *ntup = new TNtuple("ascal","Scaler Rates",string_ntup);

   Float_t farray_ntup[27];     // Note, dimension is same as size of string_ntup (i.e. nlen+1)

   status = 0;
   iev = 0;
   iskip = 0;
   lastclkp = 0;
   lastclkm = 0;

   while (status == 0) {

     status = coda->codaRead();
     if (status != 0) {
       cout << "coda status nonzero.  assume EOF" << endl;
       goto quit;

// Dirty trick to average over larger time intervals (depending on 
// SKIPEVENT) to reduce the fluctuations due to clock.  
     if (evdata.GetRocLength(MYROC) > 16) iskip++;
     if (SKIPEVENT != 0 && iskip < SKIPEVENT) continue;
     iskip = 0;


// Not every trigger has new scaler data, so skip if not new.
     if ( !scaler->IsRenewed() ) continue;

     if (iev++ > evnum) goto quit;

// Fill the ntuple here

// Note, we must average the two helicities here to get non-helicity rates
     Double_t time = (scaler->GetPulser(1,"clock") + scaler->GetPulser(-1,"clock"))/1024;
     farray_ntup[0] = time;
     farray_ntup[1] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u1") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u1"));
     farray_ntup[2] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3"));
     farray_ntup[3] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u10") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u10"));
     farray_ntup[4] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_d1") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_d1"));
     farray_ntup[5] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_d3") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_d3"));
     farray_ntup[6] = 0.5*(scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_d10") + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_d10"));
     for (trig = 1; trig <= 5; trig++) {
       farray_ntup[6+trig] = 0.5*(scaler->GetTrigRate(1,trig) + scaler->GetTrigRate(-1,trig));
     clkp = scaler->GetNormData(1,"clock");
     clkm = scaler->GetNormData(-1,"clock");
     farray_ntup[12] = clkp - lastclkp;
     farray_ntup[13] = clkm - lastclkm;
     lastclkp = clkp;
     lastclkm = clkm;
     farray_ntup[14] = 0.5*(scaler->GetNormRate(1,"TS-accept") + 
     string bcms[] = {"bcm_u1", "bcm_u3", "bcm_u10", "bcm_d1", "bcm_d3", "bcm_d10"};
     for (int ibcm = 0; ibcm < 6; ibcm++ ) {
       sum = scaler->GetBcmRate(1,bcms[ibcm].c_str()) - bcmped[ibcm]
                  + scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,bcms[ibcm].c_str()) - bcmped[ibcm];
       asy = -999;
       if (sum != 0) {
	  asy = (scaler->GetBcmRate(1,bcms[ibcm].c_str()) - 
                 scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,bcms[ibcm].c_str())) / sum;
       farray_ntup[15+ibcm] = asy;
     for (trig = 1; trig <= 5; trig++) {
       asy = -999;
       if (scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3") > BCM_CUT3 && 
           scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3") > BCM_CUT3) {    
           sum = scaler->GetTrigRate(1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3") 
              +  scaler->GetTrigRate(-1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3");
           if (sum != 0) {
             asy = (scaler->GetTrigRate(1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(1,"bcm_u3")
                 -  scaler->GetTrigRate(-1,trig)/scaler->GetBcmRate(-1,"bcm_u3")) / sum;
       farray_ntup[20+trig] = asy;
     sum = scaler->GetPulser(1,"clock") + scaler->GetPulser(-1,"clock");
     asy = -999;
     if (sum != 0) {
	asy = (scaler->GetPulser(1,"clock") - 
               scaler->GetPulser(-1,"clock")) / sum;
     farray_ntup[26] = asy;

     if (DEBUG) {
        cout << "event type " << evdata.GetEvType() <<  "   event number " << evdata.GetEvNum() << endl;
        if (farray_ntup[12] < 1000) cout << "Low clock" << endl;
        cout << " clock(+)  " << scaler->GetNormRate(1,"clock");
        cout << "   clock(-)  " << scaler->GetNormRate(-1,"clock") << endl;
        if (farray_ntup[16]>0.005||farray_ntup[16]<-0.005) cout << "Big asy" << endl;


