Introduction and Overview

ESPACE is the Hall A general purpose analysis software. It combines a CODA event decoder, tracking and reconstruction routines, the COOLHANDS histogramming package, and KUIP user interface in a single program. In addition, ESPACE provides facilities for gain and timing calibrations ("optimizations"). It is designed to analyze the data from the two Hall A High Resolution Spectrometers (HRS) whose detectors consist of several scintillator planes, vertical drift chambers, gas and aerogel Cherenkov and shower counters. The current version of ESPACE can be used without significant changes both for inclusive (e,e') and two-particle coincidence (e,e'X) experiments. Support is also included for gating histograms on the beam polarization state.

ESPACE was developed starting in 1992 first at the University of Mainz, Germany, and later at MIT and Jefferson Lab. Its current primary application is in Hall A at Jefferson Lab. Thanks to its general nature, most Hall A experiments to date have used it as the basis for their physics analysis.

Maintained by Ole Hansen (
Last modified: Mon Mar 29 14:27:00 1999