Next: Target Ladder & Motion
Up: Target Cell
Previous: Description
The target installation is a delicate procedure and should be
performed only by qualified personnel. A minimum requirement is
Radiation Worker II training. Only the first time installation does
not require the monitoring of radiation around the pivot area. After
the cell has been exposed to the electron beam, any replacement of the
cell must be done under strict observation of possible radiation and
contamination hazards.
The cells are fragile and under high pressure so they
can cause damage not only to exposed skin and eyes, but also hearing. It is therefore important to wear hearing protection in the vicinity of an
exposed cell and also to wear protective clothing and a face shield when handling or in the vicinity of someone handling a cell.
In the following we describe the procedure for cell replacement. The
procedure applies both to a routine replacement and a replacement
after a cell explosion.
- If the replacement of the cell follows the explosion of a previous
target, a new
curve of the pickup coils should be measured. If the
pickup coils have deteriorated, they should be replaced as well.
- Prepare the replacement target and, if necessary, a new set of
pickup coils. Request Hall access from MCC, and wait for a member from
the RADCON team to accompany the group of qualified people authorized
to change a target cell.
- The member of the RADCON group will evaluate the radiation level
around the target area. If safe levels of radiations are observed, the
work can proceed. Otherwise a Radiation Work Permit will have to be
written. The member of the RADCON group will either clean up the
glass pieces or, after determining that there is no contamination, informs
us that we can proceed to clean up the glass pieces.
- All personnel within the target area platform must wear ear
protection and a face shield during any access to the inside of the
target enclosure.
- Raise the target top assembly support and if necessary remove the
scattering windows of the RF enclosure to provide sufficient
access to the target. Monitor the radiation level close to the target
ladder and oven. Determine what conditions are required to comply
with a radiation safe work condition.
- Qualified personnel should proceed to replace the target and align it
according to well defined reference lines of the target ladder. The
motion of the target and the clearance between the pickup
coils should be tested. When finished, the scattering windows of
the RF enclosure should be put back in place.
- If an intact target cell was removed, it should be stored in a wooden
box with a screwed lid or a metal box specially designed for store
target cell. It must be left in the hall with
``Pressurized Glass Cell, Open By Authorized Personnel Only'' warning sign
on the box. It can only be
removed from the Hall after approval from RADCON.
Next: Target Ladder & Motion
Up: Target Cell
Previous: Description
Xiaochao Zheng