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List of authorized personnel

The following personnel are authorized to operate the Coherent FAP-system and OPC-D030-795-HBPS diode lasers and the associated polarized $^3$He target facility, under the assumptions, they have completed the training requirements defined in Section 1:
Vincent Breton William and Mary
Gordon Cates University of Virginia
Jian-Ping Chen Jefferson Lab (Laser system Supervisor)
Alexandre Deur Jefferson Lab
Gary Dezern Jefferson Lab
Ed Folts Jefferson Lab
Haiyan Gao MIT
Ole Hansen Jefferson Lab
Wolfgang Korsch University of Kentucky
Kevin Kramer William and Mary
Nilanga Liyanage Jefferson Lab
Zein-Eddine Meziani Temple University
Karl Slifer Temple University
Scot Spiegel Jefferson Lab
Mark Stevens Jefferson Lab
Xiaochao Zheng MIT
Xiaofeng Zhu William and Mary

Names can be added to this list by the Laser System Supervisor, Jian-ping Chen, phone 269-7413, pager 872-5736, email

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Xiaochao Zheng 2001-06-01