Monthly INDEX
User name jindong
Entry time Mon Dec 31 00:56:10 EST 2001
Entry number 169
keyword=Problem about the RTD readout
It seems there are large difference between lasers on and off for temperature of RTD # 5, 6 and 7.
When lasers are on, the temperatures are ~45C, 186C, 183C, respectively,while when the lasers are off,
they are ~27C, 163C, 162C.
If #6 and #7 can be explained by that lasers illuminate the pump chamber and these two read out the temperature
of the pump chamber, then it is abnormal that there is large change in #5,since it is located near the end of the
target chamber. For the almost symmetric one #1, there is no such large change.Is it possible that some reflected
or diffused laser beam is shed on and heat up directly RTD#5 when lasers are on? I don't understand it and will
still use the temperature measurement as truly reflecting the temperature insice the target chamber to calculate
the calibration constant for NMR. I don't know what effect it will have on the result.