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    User name vasulk

    Entry time Sat Oct 26 12:28:41 EDT 2002

    Entry number 432

    keyword=Vanna: Spin-up at 32 G

    Since considerations are being made to run the holding field at 32 Gauss. I did a few tests on the system. I made some changes to the LabView programs to set the field to 32 G and ramp down to 25 G and back up. Figure 1 below shows the spin-up curve for Vanna with the holding field at 32 G. The ramp from 32 G to 25 G and back to 32 G appears to work fine.

    Note: The maximum nmr value at 32 G is only 1.86 mV compared to 2.3 mV at 25 G. It was thought that perhaps the
    cell maybe leaking. This would also explain the slow drop in the spin-up curve seen in entry # 430.

    FIGURE 1