Monthly INDEX
User name jpchen
Entry time Fri Aug 6 16:54:10 EDT 1999
Entry number 68
keyword=Minutes of 8/4 analysis meeting
Minutes of 8/4 analysis meeting:
Present: Alexandre Deur, Pibero Djawotho, Jian-ping Chen.
1) Alexandre: I worked on the asymmetries at 0.862 GeV. It's looking reasonable
at first sight but there is a few runs that are far off the expected value.
I am now trying to understand why.
Discussed possible cause and J. P. suggested Alexandre to look into the helicity
signals. Mentioned that Seonho had problem for 0.86 GeV e-arm inelastic asymmetry
online due to the software (two DAQ vs one DAQ) problem. Chceking with scalers
revealed the problem at the time. Alex will talk with Seonho and also Mark Jones
and Bob Michaels.
2) Pibero: Started to look at the N2 runs (for dilution correction). Showed a plot
of N2 asymmetries.
Discussed what and how Pibero should proceed with the N2 and Empty dilution
problem. Need to get relative cross sections (yields) and compare with He3
cell runs at the same kinematics to get the ratio, which will be the dilution
correction factors. For empty dilution need to put same y_targ cut as the
general analysis is using.
3) Seonho: (from email report) Here goes long-waited run summary file.
I am attaching two files, one in plain text and the other in postscript.
The plain text version can be easily read by computer programs and
postscript version is for print out. Still, the summary file is incomplete,
especially, I can not find a copy of logbook number 4. So the runs recorded in
that logbook are not checked at all. Nevertheless, it will serve as a
guide in selecting good runs.
(The two run summary files will be posted seperately).