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    User name jpchen

    Entry time Thu Sep 9 12:11:19 EDT 1999

    Entry number 72

    keyword=Minutes of 9/8 analysis meeting

    Present:Alexandre Deur, Pibero Djawotho, Xiaodong Jiang,Jian-ping Chen.

    In the last two weeks, several people are away or busy with other things
    (J.P. was in Japan and China for two conferences and vacation, Alexandre
    was in France to be at Clermont-Ferrand and for vacation, Pibero was on
    vacation for one week and Xiaodong was busy as a run coordinator for
    gamma P, gamma D experiments.)

    Pibero: Working on N2 runs with Xiaodong's Ntupes. To calculate
    trigger/scintillator efficiencies, he needs all the hit pattens.
    Xiaodong explained the structure of the "superword" he defined
    in the Ntupes, which has all the detector informations.

    Xiaodong: Mentioned also the EPICS variables and the CODA index
    in his Ntupes. Looked at some 12C runs to check the helicity
    fluctuations of the deadtime. The runs he checked are all fine.

    Alexandre: -I wrote a draft about elastic asymmetries analysis . At the
    same time I redo some of my work on the correction to the 1.7 GeV. Basically
    it's the same as previous work. Now the last thing is to add the nitrogen
    dilution (and check this deadtime problem according to Bob and the
    quasielastic dilution).

    -I wrote also a draft on MCE94010 (how to use it).