Dear KSUEFF User: You have been sent five files to enable you to run the Kent State neutron detector efficiency code. These files are: 1. INSTR.LIS - Brief instructions for using the code. 2. VAXEFF.FOR - The fortran source version which can run on a VAX or UNIx computer. 3. 20BY40.DAT - A sample input file. 4. CROSEC.IN - the cross section input data file. 5. 20BY40.LIS - the output file for the above sample input file. In order to run this code you must compile and link the source code. Note that the program will need to use both input data files, the user data file and the cross section data file. The cross section file is normally not changed, unless you wish to adjust the input cross sections. The input user file is what one adjusts to do the detector of size and type for your particular situation. Good luck. Bryon Anderson