How to run a raster++ scan for GeN:



  1. Take a GeN DAQ run for 5000 events with nonzero rate (pulser, or something) and beam ON (at least 1 uA).
  2. Login to adaql4 as adaq account, type "raster".
  3. To analyze an earlier run "raster 1482 0 10000" to analyze run 1482 from event 0 to 10000.
  4. More info: "raster help"
  5. Note:   As of Mar 7, the absolute position is still not calibrated.   Use EPICS for that.

R-arm Instructions (if you want to cross-check):
  1. As "adev" account on "adaql1",
  2. type "startcoda",  take a run,
  3. then as "adaq" type "spot_R" and don't forget the "R".

See also the following HALog entries: