Monte Carlo

Gen Monte Carlo Information

Gen Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo Reports and Results

Proposes method of extracting GE/GM from the measured asymmetry which corrects for the finite acceptance of BigBite. Also includes an estimate of the size of this correction using a Mini Monte Carlo.

Monte Carlo Tools

  • THaSimpleRay Class
Used for storing information relating to a single track. This can (but does not have to) include the following: direction (specified by transport coordinates or directional cosines), momentum, particle label, particle (or system) mass and energy. This package also includes kinematics functions to compute invariant masses, two-body scattering with directions specified or selected at random, etc.

  • TPiProduction Class
Used for calculating pion production cross sections. The cross sections are based on a parameterization of the MAID program. TPiProduction can return 5-fold differential cross sections (electron energy and direciton and pion direction) or 3-fold differeential cross sections (integrated of final state pion direction).

Created by: franklin last modification: Monday 27 of November, 2006 [18:05:55 UTC] by franklin

The original document is available at http://hallaweb/tiki-index.php?page=Monte%20Carlo