Edna polarization numbers from Aidan's article have been put in the MySQL database. (Thanks to Brandon.) Please note that Edna was also used during the second run of kinematic 2. The first run of kinematic 2 used Dolly.

The columns in the database are as follows:
1. time of the NMR measurement
2. Polarization
3. Error in polarization
4. Target cell (Edna for now)

A script to get the polarization (and also N2 density) for any given run should be ready soon.

The time in the database is in "human readable" format and is difficult to plot. Attached to this article is a script that converts the time format into a linear plottable format (x-axis in days). One can easily make changes in the script to use with other cells. The reformatted datafile is also included.

edna_pol.pl (1.08 Kb)

edna_lin_time_pol.dat (9.78 Kb)

footnote: I could not add a comment on the original article page, hence making this new article entry.