The time corrections for the Big Bite side, as well as the RF corrections for the target, used in calibration are as follows:

The corrections to the time of flight are as follows:

All the corrections but the RF correction and vertex correction are combined into a single T_{B} correction to the time of flight: (0)

$t_{e} = t_{s} - t_{x} - t_{y} - t_{c}$

Vertical distance correction: (1)
$t_{x} = \frac{1.2}{c} |\frac{x_{det}}{z_{det}} + 0.25|$

Horizontal distance correction: (2)
$t_{y} = \frac{2.2532 \sin(-\theta_{BB})+Y_{BB} \cos(-\theta_{BB})}{c \sin(\tan**{-1}(\frac{y_{det}}{z_{det}})-\theta_{BB})}$

Scintillator to wire chamber correction: (3)
$t_{c} = \frac{1}{c}(T_{D2S}(1+(\frac{x_{det}}{z_{det}})**{2}+(\frac{y_{det}}{z_{det}})**{2}))$

The RF correction and vertex correction are combined, and determined as follows: (4)
$RF_{corr} = T_{res}(T_{RF}-T_{res}-\mathbf{int}((T_{RF}-\frac{T_{ref}}{.5W})W)$

This correction to the time of flight is then determined by finding the peak to the following function: (5)
$\mathbf{remainder} \frac{\mathbf{remainder}(\frac{T_{e}-T_{L1A}-RF_{corr}}{1/.499})+2/.499}{1/.499}$

Here the .499 is due to the frequency of the beam. This peak is then put into to give the correction: (6)

$t_{v} = \mathbf{remainder} \frac{\mathbf{remainder}(\frac{T_{e}-T_{L1A}-(RF_{corr}+RF_{shift})}{1/.499})+2.5/.499}{1/.499} - \frac{.5}{.499}$

Total time of flight is then: (7)

$t_{flight} = t_{BH} - t_{h} - t_{e} + t_{L1A} + t_{v}$

From scripts:



(0) & (3)

