Elastic Electron Scattering off 3He and 4He at Large Momentum Transfers
Jefferson Lab Hall A Halog
Useful Information
  • How to download the triggers:

    • Please, download the triggers for each kinematics

      >ssh atrig@adaql1
      For He runs double the momentum on right arm!

  • How to change Right S1 HVs:

    • Open terminal on hacsbc2 (controls screen)

      >cd elena

      Than enter the % of MAX nominal value (a number between 60 and 100).

      The computer will change the HVs, but please check that all went fine from Hall A Main Menu -> Le Croy HV -> Right Arm Top -> S1 (0-5 ch)

      Please, HALOG the new values.

  • How to replay data:

    • Log in on any adaq computer as adaq. Type goonlana to go in the replay directory. To replay type : analyzer. Different kind of replays are available:

      >.x replay.C usual replay it create a root file on /adaql10/work1/e04018/onlroot/onlana_XXXX.root (for 100,000 events).

      >.x replay_coin.C takes all the split files and only decode the coincidence events with output on /adaql10/work1/e04018/onlroot/onlan_coin_XXXX.root (for -1 events)

      >.x replay_t3.C takes all the split files and only decode the t3 events with output on /adaql10/work1/e04018/onlroot/onlan_T3_XXXX.root (for -1 events)

      >.x replay_split_full.C takes all the split files and decode all the events with output on /adaql10/work1/e04018/onlroot/onlan_full_XXXX.root (for -1 events)

    • To look at predefined histograms after the replay is done. Use the script online.C

      For the standard replay:

      > .x online.C+("detectorL",runnumber);
      > .x online.C+("detectorR",runnumber);
      > .x online.C+("shower",runnumber);

Maintained by E. Khrosinkova
Updated: 05-31-07