############################################################### # # Data Base for Bigbite Trigger plane # # units: m & ns # # Author: Jin Huang July 2007 # ############################################################### ############################################################### # Example ############################################################### # comment line start with '#' or empty line # WARNING: "empty line" means completely empty, even with out # space or tab # # example section for Bigbite trigger plane dE subdetector TDC cratemap # #[ BB.tp.de.cratemap.tdc.example ] # # reference channel goes first # crate slot lo hi model refindex #5 12 119 119 1190 -1 # crate=-1 end to this subsection #-1 0 0 0 0 0 # # subsection for the left PMTs # crate slot lo hi model refindex #5 12 80 95 1190 0 #5 12 96 102 1190 0 # lines ignored here #-1 0 0 0 0 0 # # subsection for the right PMTs # crate slot lo hi model refindex #5 12 64 79 1190 0 #5 12 103 110 1190 0 # lines ignored here #-1 0 0 0 0 0 #[ BB.tp.e.left_pedestals.example ] # first and last index in array #0 30 # no comment in table # Table start here # 0 0 397 423 464 #487 496 576 522 335 #361 433 347 648 512 #609 529 451 537 540 #496 554 385 382 294 #376 403 331 335 230 #288 ############################################################### # Bigbite trigger plane detector ############################################################### # TERMINOLOGY follows conventions of Hall A Tech Notes JLAB-TN-02-012: # http://hallaweb.jlab.org/publications/Technotes/files/2002/02-012.pdf [ BB.tp.geometry ] # origin of trigger plane # relative to Transport Coordinate System # x y z -1 0 .98 # x and y axis of trigger plane # relative to Transport Coordinate System # z axis will be calculated by z=x cross y # x axis # x y z 1 0 0 # y axis # x y z 0 1 0 [ BB.tp.hit_acceptance ] # when x y z distance between 2 hits in E and dE plane is smaller # than the number below, they will be combined as hit in Triggerplane # dx dy dz .05 .20 .05 #limits of accepatble time difference between 2 hits in E and dE plane #time difference=TOF(dE)-TOF(E) # Min Max -100 100 # limits of accepatble x and y diffence between hit # and track projection on trigger plane # dx dy .5 .5 ############################################################### # Bigbite trigger plane E subdetector ############################################################### [ BB.tp.e.cratemap.tdc ] # Ref Idx:index for reference channel # crate slot Lo Hi Model Ref Idx. 5 12 119 119 1190 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 # left PMTs 5 12 31 31 1190 0 5 12 30 30 1190 0 5 12 29 29 1190 0 5 12 28 28 1190 0 5 12 27 27 1190 0 5 12 26 26 1190 0 5 12 25 25 1190 0 5 12 24 24 1190 0 5 12 23 23 1190 0 5 12 22 22 1190 0 5 12 21 21 1190 0 5 12 20 20 1190 0 5 12 19 19 1190 0 5 12 18 18 1190 0 5 12 17 17 1190 0 5 12 16 16 1190 0 5 12 47 47 1190 0 5 12 46 46 1190 0 5 12 45 45 1190 0 5 12 44 44 1190 0 5 12 43 43 1190 0 5 12 42 42 1190 0 5 12 41 41 1190 0 5 12 40 40 1190 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 # right PMTs 5 12 15 15 1190 0 5 12 14 14 1190 0 5 12 13 13 1190 0 5 12 12 12 1190 0 5 12 11 11 1190 0 5 12 10 10 1190 0 5 12 9 9 1190 0 5 12 8 8 1190 0 5 12 7 7 1190 0 5 12 6 6 1190 0 5 12 5 5 1190 0 5 12 4 4 1190 0 5 12 3 3 1190 0 5 12 2 2 1190 0 5 12 1 1 1190 0 5 12 0 0 1190 0 5 12 39 39 1190 0 5 12 38 38 1190 0 5 12 37 37 1190 0 5 12 36 36 1190 0 5 12 35 35 1190 0 5 12 34 34 1190 0 5 12 33 33 1190 0 5 12 32 32 1190 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 [ BB.tp.e.cratemap.adc ] # crate slot Lo Hi Model # left 24 PMT 5 6 0 15 792 5 7 0 7 792 -1 0 0 0 0 # right 24 PMT 5 6 16 31 792 5 7 8 15 792 -1 0 0 0 0 [ BB.tp.e.calib ] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # first and last index of reference channel with same time resorlution # ex. 0 1 stand for 2 reference channel with index 0 & 1 0 0 # TDC resorlution of above reference channels 0.1000 # if necessary, continue this list untill reach nRefCh-1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # first and last index of bars with same specification 0 23 # middle of the bar, relative to the center of the detector it belongs to # x,y,z,of first bar and dx,dy,dz between bars .043 0.0 .025 .086 0. 0. # fix me: what'z z for E plane? # full width (from end to end) # xw,yw,zw .086 .50 .03 # effective speed of light(m/ns) and attenuation in scintillator # attenuation: Y_ADC = TMath::Log(L_ADC/R_ADC)*attenuation/2.0; 0.113554 1.e8 # n=1.58, taking reflection into consideration, I just set c=1^8 m/s temporarily # I do not know attenuation, probably it's not useful # (default value of) gain, ped, res, toff, walk, lowtdclim, uptdclim, wrapa # # gain, ped: fAmplPedCor = fRawAmpl - pmt->GetPed(); # fAmpl = fAmplPedCor * pmt->GetGain(); # res, toff: fTime = fRawTime * res - toff # walk: time-walk correction, t=t-walk*pow(adc,-0.5) # lowtdclim, uptdclim: Lower and upper boundary for an acceptable hit # wrapa: F1TDC wrap-round time (in Rawtime format) # # left PMT # gain, ped, res, toff, walk, lowtdclim, uptdclim, wrapa 1. 0 0.1000 0.0 0.0 -500 200 65253 # right PMT # gain, ped, res, toff, walk, lowtdclim, uptdclim, wrapa 1. 0 0.1000 0.0 0.0 -500 200 65253 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ BB.tp.e.left_gain ] # first and last index in array 0 23 # Table start here 1.026027 1.067650 0.874825 1.138592 1.228791 1.216616 1.122057 1.243458 1.116776 1.129311 1.169833 1.204137 0.856265 1.087939 1.225503 1.303554 1.249407 1.222273 1.056996 0.856488 0.800912 0.807416 1.766628 0.727792 #1.026027 1.067650 0.867796 1.138592 #1.047563 1.037183 0.956570 1.079297 #0.952068 0.941720 0.975511 0.985463 #0.690147 0.890367 1.033308 1.303554 #1.249407 1.222273 1.056996 0.856488 #0.681627 0.807416 1.766628 0.727792 #1.026027 1.067650 0.867796 1.138592 #1.074591 1.043907 0.983847 1.133948 #1.044522 1.029966 1.080776 1.126833 #0.754595 0.976640 1.132621 1.303554 #1.249407 1.222273 1.056996 0.856488 #0.681627 0.807416 1.766628 0.727792 [ BB.tp.e.left_pedestals ] # first and last index in array 0 23 # Table start here 202.397 192.862 196.786 187.314 207.276 182.373 192.448 189.110 199.615 170.619 186.173 204.363 187.946 209.190 169.835 198.129 199.813 169.091 139.902 156.513 146.115 169.993 179.726 153.277 #208.0 201.0 210.0 208.0 #234.0 200.0 213.0 209.0 #220.0 191.0 206.0 227.0 #214.0 232.0 194.0 218.0 #218.0 183.0 155.0 170.0 #156.0 180.0 186.0 160.0 #182.677 152.780 124.161 137.427 #125.021 146.594 153.248 126.654 #152.689 124.788 201.621 200.381 #192.873 141.470 147.638 196.307 #286.174 238.374 187.152 227.130 #163.785 224.934 232.066 223.115 [ BB.tp.e.left_toff ] # toff should contain correction for # the time of light traveling through bars # # first and last index in array 0 23 # Table start here -456.494359 -456.375131 -456.518576 -458.103801 -457.543115 -456.295595 -456.785920 -455.778991 -459.291598 -456.559120 -456.154124 -458.574697 -459.511070 -458.274853 -456.901197 -457.395106 -459.296178 -456.374614 -454.585225 -457.011467 -456.565670 -454.090565 -455.005421 -454.005906 #-452.815712 #-446.909482 #-449.875009 #-450.002211 #-456.651268 #-455.136588 #-455.394802 #-453.605903 #-457.884582 #-454.832520 #-455.975004 #-456.552813 #-457.254011 #-455.134814 #-454.315642 #-454.070492 #-457.908025 #-453.852433 #-453.197683 #-455.531694 #-452.911049 #-449.272427 #-452.999989 #-445.322715 #1.39804 #-0.35054 #0.95613 #0.75033 #-1.71058 #-0.33620 #-1.53196 #0.33393 #-2.55779 #-0.42459 #-1.51276 #-2.43692 #-3.33691 #-1.44639 #-1.05852 #-0.47992 #-3.33890 #-0.67694 #0.76870 #-0.28079 #0.00525 #2.71559 #-0.00958 #0.83594 == [ BB.tp.e.right_gain ] # first and last index in array 0 23 # Table start here 1.299633 1.258010 1.296620 1.312954 1.344477 1.264109 1.145071 1.051622 1.040989 1.221862 0.723965 1.109689 1.182053 1.009194 1.167035 0.978814 0.995132 0.968639 1.160216 0.884180 0.735422 0.940346 1.678072 0.617080 #1.299633 1.258010 1.286202 1.312954 #1.146187 1.077672 0.976190 0.912787 #0.887459 1.018898 0.603707 0.908167 #0.952731 0.825922 0.984009 0.978814 #0.995132 0.968639 1.160216 0.884180 #0.625891 0.940346 1.678072 0.617080 #1.299633 1.258010 1.286202 1.312954 #1.175760 1.084658 1.004027 0.959006 #0.973639 1.114377 0.668852 1.038449 #1.041701 0.905951 1.078584 0.978814 #0.995132 0.968639 1.160216 0.884180 #0.625891 0.940346 1.678072 0.617080 [ BB.tp.e.right_pedestals ] # first and last index in array 0 23 # Table start here 212.635 205.519 204.334 182.342 192.506 203.341 177.974 212.924 222.979 203.987 180.393 177.349 173.710 197.082 191.318 191.277 170.476 141.599 222.246 221.393 218.005 165.912 171.879 226.104 #219.0 212.0 217.0 203.0 #218.0 225.0 199.0 236.0 #242.0 224.0 216.0 201.0 #196.0 223.0 213.0 213.0 #187.0 157.0 239.0 237.0 #230.0 176.0 180.0 234.0 #225.599 206.255 211.177 237.898 #229.474 219.869 201.265 131.560 #128.451 222.030 214.192 166.908 #228.053 213.533 209.356 174.490 #258.997 256.831 301.935 322.729 #342.693 321.323 304.617 301.143 [ BB.tp.e.right_toff ] # first and last index in array 0 23 # Table start here -459.287930 -457.920677 -460.262729 -456.330524 -457.213898 -457.100997 -458.502433 -459.067178 -455.817208 -455.750509 -454.560139 -455.304427 -455.109002 -455.006886 -455.973608 -454.282015 -452.766171 -452.755734 -453.935382 -453.975341 -453.712111 -454.832225 -454.383397 -453.263624 #-456.014040 #-447.989228 #-453.660003 #-448.872927 #-456.416786 #-456.064240 #-457.208051 #-456.968706 #-454.454528 #-454.074733 #-454.526345 #-453.286691 #-452.905495 #-451.901428 #-453.411673 #-451.036493 #-451.371754 #-450.233553 #-452.023654 #-452.495568 #-450.057490 #-450.014087 #-452.377965 #-444.580433 #-1.89304 #-0.74446 #-2.65113 #1.55467 #-0.18442 #0.24120 #-1.16304 #-1.62893 #-0.13721 #0.52959 #-0.90224 #0.74192 #0.68191 #2.01139 #0.76353 #2.42492 #1.84390 #2.38194 #1.39630 #2.38579 #2.89975 #1.98941 #0.51458 #0.66906 [BB.tp.e.WarningThreshold] # Threshold of ave. error reference per event that will pop up warnings 0.002 ############################################################### # Bigbite trigger plane dE subdetector ############################################################### [ BB.tp.de.cratemap.tdc ] # crate slot Lo Hi Model Ref Idx. # Reference channel 5 12 119 119 1190 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 # left PMTs 5 12 95 95 1190 0 5 12 94 94 1190 0 5 12 93 93 1190 0 5 12 92 92 1190 0 5 12 91 91 1190 0 5 12 90 90 1190 0 5 12 89 89 1190 0 5 12 88 88 1190 0 5 12 87 87 1190 0 5 12 86 86 1190 0 5 12 85 85 1190 0 5 12 84 84 1190 0 5 12 83 83 1190 0 5 12 82 82 1190 0 5 12 81 81 1190 0 5 12 80 80 1190 0 5 12 111 111 1190 0 5 12 110 110 1190 0 5 12 109 109 1190 0 5 12 108 108 1190 0 5 12 107 107 1190 0 5 12 106 106 1190 0 5 12 105 105 1190 0 5 12 104 104 1190 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 # right PMTs 5 12 79 79 1190 0 5 12 78 78 1190 0 5 12 77 77 1190 0 5 12 76 76 1190 0 5 12 75 75 1190 0 5 12 74 74 1190 0 5 12 73 73 1190 0 5 12 72 72 1190 0 5 12 71 71 1190 0 5 12 70 70 1190 0 5 12 69 69 1190 0 5 12 68 68 1190 0 5 12 67 67 1190 0 5 12 66 66 1190 0 5 12 65 65 1190 0 5 12 64 64 1190 0 5 12 103 103 1190 0 5 12 102 102 1190 0 5 12 101 101 1190 0 5 12 100 100 1190 0 5 12 99 99 1190 0 5 12 98 98 1190 0 5 12 97 97 1190 0 5 12 96 96 1190 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 [ BB.tp.de.cratemap.adc ] # left 24 PMTs 5 8 0 15 792 5 7 16 23 792 -1 0 0 0 0 # right 24 PMTs 5 8 16 31 792 5 7 24 31 792 -1 0 0 0 0 [ BB.tp.de.calib ] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # units: m & ns # # first and last index of reference channel with same time resorlution # ex. 0 1 stand for 2 reference channel with index 0 & 1 0 0 # TDC resorlution of above reference channels 0.1000 # if necessary, continue this list untill reach nRefCh-1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # first and last index of bars with same specification 0 23 # middle of the bar, relative to the center of the detector it belongs too # x,y,z,of first bar and dx,dy,dz 0.0 0.0 0.0 .086 0. 0. # full width (from end to end) # xw,yw,zw .086 .50 .003 # I do not know zw yet # effective speed of light(m/ns) and attenuation # attenuation: Y_ADC = TMath::Log(L_ADC/R_ADC)*attenuation/2.0; 0.113554 1.e8 # n=1.58, taking reflection into consideration, I just set c=1^8 m/s temporarily # I do not know attenuation, probably it's not useful # gain, ped, res, toff, walk, lowtdclim, uptdclim, wrapa # gain, ped: fAmplPedCor = fRawAmpl - pmt->GetPed(); # fAmpl = fAmplPedCor * pmt->GetGain(); # res, toff(ns): fTime = fRawTime * res - toff # walk: time-walk correction, t=t-walk*pow(adc,-0.5) # lowtdclim, uptdclim (ns): Lower and upper boundary for an acceptable hit # wrapa (raw time): F1TDC wrap-round time (in Rawtime format) # # left PMT # gain, ped, res, toff, walk, lowtdclim, uptdclim, wrapa 1. 0 0.1000 0.0 0.0 -500 200 65253 # right PMT 1. 0 0.1000 0.0 0.0 -500 200 65253 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ BB.tp.de.left_gain ] # first and last index in array 0 23 # Table start here 0.933908 0.875753 0.786890 0.863274 0.904012 0.858012 0.937915 0.913223 0.910618 1.020268 1.054572 0.828455 1.777216 1.253756 1.182382 1.061054 1.081524 1.268159 1.216387 0.790278 0.968327 1.147804 1.258478 0.738673 #0.933908 0.875753 0.786890 0.863274 #0.928175 0.844339 0.939054 0.896941 #0.873869 1.035024 1.008173 0.856823 #1.940410 1.259004 1.130584 1.061054 #1.081524 1.268159 1.216387 0.790278 #0.968327 1.147804 1.258478 0.738673 [ BB.tp.de.left_pedestals ] # first and last index in array 0 23 # Table start here 233.684 268.203 259.283 264.975 258.407 271.945 221.701 264.201 276.290 295.301 270.655 272.199 299.318 281.912 263.554 269.764 250.520 236.263 239.268 259.611 260.260 246.358 227.689 154.933 #239.0 274.0 266.0 275.0 #270.0 283.0 232.0 275.0 #286.0 305.0 280.0 293.0 #305.0 292.0 276.0 282.0 #263.0 244.0 248.0 272.0 #265.0 253.0 236.0 159.0 #322.792 317.969 315.259 308.330 #305.460 323.829 325.305 298.384 #254.001 327.316 314.732 321.100 #339.122 345.066 303.040 317.361 #299.418 313.009 310.572 310.759 #324.470 306.902 330.468 309.460 [ BB.tp.de.left_toff ] # toff should contain correction for # the time of light traveling through bars # # first and last index in array 0 23 # Table start here -460.577344 -459.277069 -458.723045 -457.562751 -457.155484 -457.155296 -459.062190 -458.890503 -458.526311 -456.786171 -456.410460 -458.543602 -456.872795 -456.277854 -458.116137 -457.148129 -457.983601 -455.926235 -455.744595 -456.921518 -454.624731 -454.835855 -463.021548 -454.375776 #-446.617359 #-444.746295 #-449.173034 #-452.991123 #-452.775321 #-455.945774 #-457.371920 #-456.769816 #-456.076583 #-454.776910 #-454.643665 #-456.964908 #-453.742058 #-452.598824 #-454.499390 #-453.550085 #-455.166974 #-452.412973 #-453.874926 #-448.922189 #-448.767742 #-449.443245 #-449.281263 #-448.393559 #0.293592 #1.34719 #1.02527 #0.331194 #0.0573424 #0.174772 #-0.167447 #-0.352562 #-0.0343 #0.55185 #0.129248 #-0.806641 #-0.683097 #0.376361 #0.884879 #0.97181 #0.641142 #0.00644306 #0.286867 #0.00684749 #0.0618645 #-0.374966 #0.082739 #0.592144 [ BB.tp.de.right_gain ] # first and last index in array 0 23 # Table start here 0.843650 3.607220 0.727780 0.815308 0.829025 1.064171 1.071043 1.038168 0.931456 1.006915 0.855282 0.800980 0.916382 1.213401 1.224304 1.176528 1.188389 1.026497 1.114189 1.429470 0.916481 0.905948 1.182064 1.160173 #0.843650 3.607220 0.727780 0.815308 #0.851184 1.047212 1.072344 1.019658 #0.893866 1.021478 0.817651 0.828407 #1.000530 1.218480 1.170670 1.176528 #1.188389 1.026497 1.114189 1.429470 #0.916481 0.905948 1.182064 1.160173 [ BB.tp.de.right_pedestals ] # first and last index in array 0 23 # Table start here 263.962 280.732 271.794 265.089 278.521 266.670 290.285 269.110 267.225 290.153 237.403 249.931 251.716 277.486 270.497 286.463 147.674 246.598 239.374 194.257 257.677 243.763 236.676 206.976 #270.0 283.0 282.0 280.0 #295.0 279.0 303.0 281.0 #278.0 302.0 256.0 268.0 #151.8 290.0 285.0 298.0 #256.0 258.0 251.0 198.0 #262.0 251.0 246.0 210.0 #306.050 303.392 295.693 305.935 #299.229 314.015 247.181 305.914 #314.848 336.343 310.095 324.128 #335.274 322.456 303.701 307.136 #305.309 332.018 283.469 296.797 #296.621 319.811 313.977 328.881 [ BB.tp.de.right_toff ] # first and last index in array 0 23 # Table start here -463.226502 -465.136775 -463.391973 -461.371476 -460.758900 -458.193404 -460.288497 -459.898244 -460.177485 -459.614687 -459.382072 -458.291142 -459.271028 -459.343109 -461.593998 -459.030400 -459.024851 -456.961612 -457.643729 -454.318191 -454.538376 -454.165579 -462.926747 -454.741675 #-447.660524 #-449.878127 #-452.827267 #-456.683415 #-456.801896 #-457.049544 #-458.784791 #-457.921139 #-457.857945 #-457.783536 #-457.765276 #-456.737710 #-454.670347 #-455.722460 #-458.175171 #-455.421830 #-455.857294 #-452.495475 #-454.616213 #-447.437210 #-448.754389 #-448.619485 #-449.077190 #-449.586595 #-0.293592 #-1.34719 #-1.02527 #-0.331194 #-0.0573424 #-0.174772 #0.167447 #0.352562 #0.0343 #-0.55185 #-0.129248 #0.806641 #0.683097 #-0.376361 #-0.884879 #-0.97181 #-0.641142 #-0.00644306 #-0.286867 #-0.00684749 #-0.0618645 #0.374966 #-0.082739 #-0.592144 [BB.tp.de.WarningThreshold] # Threshold of ave. error reference per event that will pop up warnings 0.002